We cannot help you pay the bills, but we can help with the old Christmas tree. If you have a natural tree, it can be recycled through the Merry Mulch program.
If you live in the Presque Isle area, simply bring your undecorated tree to any one of the drop-off locations conveniently located in Presque Isle or our member towns. One change for this year compared to last year is that the drop-off location in Presque Isle will be at the former Cunningham School site on Blake Street. Christmas trees can no longer be dropped off at City Hall as in previous years.
No fee or permit is required for you to use any of the Merry Mulch drop-off sites. Merry Mulch drop-off sites are located at the former Cunningham School site at 36 Blake Street, Gil’s Sanitation at 47 Washburn Road, Star City Sanitation at 218 Parsons Road, Presque Isle Recycling Center at 655 Missile Street, Presque Isle Landfill, Mapleton Town Garage, Perham Town Garage, and the Washburn Snowmobile Club. Your refuse hauler cannot place trees in their garbage trucks because wood cannot be mixed with refuse in the landfill per city ordinance.
Remember to remove all lights, garland, decorations, plastic bags, and tree stands from the tree before leaving it at the drop-off site. Thank you for your continued support of our recycling programs. If you have any questions, please contact your refuse hauler or the Solid Waste Department at 764-2512.
Dana Fowler is the Solid Waste Director for the city of Presque Isle. He can be contacted at 764-2512 or dfowler@presqueisleme.us.
Star City has plans for your Christmas tree
Hang in there. There are only two more days until Christmas. After that, you will only have to figure out how to pay for it all and what to do with the tree.