Sherman Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens Club of the Sherman area met at the Sherman gym, ate a brown bag lunch that each person provided for themselves, in order to get through eating before the invited guests of the fourth grade at Katahdin Elementary School arrived at noon. We had been exchanging Secret Pal letters with these children prior to our meeting, and, as always, everyone involved made for lots of excitement when the actual identity is revealed.
The teacher invited some other senior citizens to join the part, which swelled our attendance.
Everyone enjoyed the singing of Christmas carols by the children, the getting acquainted session of making the ornaments to hang on our tree and a gift was presented, by the president of the club, to each student. It was a fun time for all. There were 25 children present.
We shall meet and play bingo after our potluck lunch on Jan. 6, 2010. Happy New Year!
In attendance were Annie and Fred Atkinson, Paul and Sandra Qualey, Linniea Perry, Gini Garrett, Connie Barry, Ina Pratt, Mary Lawler, Esther Greenier, Donna Grass, Frances Sleeper, Bonita Staples, Gloria Noyes, Deanna Bouchard, Rita Qualey, Rose Rush and Dean McKenney.
Guests were Eva Rice, Yvonne Patterson, Sally Drew, Judy Heath, Candy Kelley and Candy McKellar.
We welcome new members. Turn over a new leaf and join us on the first and third Wednesday every month.
Merry Christmas!
Patten Senior Citizens
Patten Senior Citizens met on Dec. 15th at Meadowbrook Manor for their Christmas party with 10 members present.
The Lord’s Prayer was recited before the potluck meal.
The business meeting was opened by President Jackie Palmer, who also led the flag salute.
Secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted.
Cards were signed and sent to Fleetwood Anderson, Wayne Brown and Christine O’Hara.
December birthdays are Jean Tarr, Gloria Noyes and Dot Binnette. The birthday cake was made by Jackie Palmer.
It was voted not to recess for the winter months. Meetings will continue to be the first and third Tuesdays of each month.
Readings were done by Joyce Harvey and Gloria Noyes. Gifts were exchanged, a Yankee swap and a sharing of Christmas sweets.
At the next meeting on Jan. 5th, a new slate of officers will be presented. Also the game will be played.
Members present were Mary Lawler, Gloria Noyes, Rubenia Botting, Nettie Shorey, Annette Noyes, Joyce Harvey, Jackie Palmer, Marilyn Somers, Maxine Brackett and Jean Tarr.