CPAC hoping to revitalize community theater; seeking actors for ‘GODSPELL’

15 years ago

    CARIBOU – Caribou Performing Arts Center director Joe Zubrick and members of the Caribou High School Drama Club are hoping to revive the practice of community theater at CPAC. “It’s been awhile since we did community productions,” said Zubrick, “and I think there’s potential interest in renewing the practice.” 

    Specifically, the CHS Drama Club is looking for additional members for the cast of the upcoming CPAC production of “GODSPELL.” “We did ‘GODSPELL’ about 10 years ago,” said Zubrick, “and the cast included players from Presque Isle, Van Buren, Fort Fairfield, Ashland and of course Caribou. The base of the production during that time CHS students and will be again, but we really relish the opportunity to collaborate with community members.”
    “GODSPELL”, a 1970s musical created by then Carnegie Mellon student John-Michael Telebak and alumnus Stephen Schwartz, is a retelling of the gospel of Matthew, with additional material from Luke. Zubrick added, “Much like the liturgical drama of the medieval church, “GODSPELL” follows the tradition of illuminating the words of the gospels through action. The role of the early church in the revitalization of theater can’t be overlooked. Church officials recognized the effectiveness of ‘showing’ the message over ‘telling’ it.”
    “GODSPELL” is built on various parables from the gospels and uses lyrics derived from traditional hymns.
    Zubrick encourages anyone interested in more information regarding the production or on community theater in general to contact him at 493-4278 or by e-mail at
    Production dates for “GODSPELL” are in mid-April, just after Easter.