Houlton Star Bright Children’s Theatre announces auditions for 2010 production

15 years ago

    HOULTON — The Houlton Star Bright Children’s Theatre will hold auditions for its annual production on Tuesday, Feb. 2 at the Court Street Baptist Church in Houlton. This year’s production will be “A Thousand Cranes,” by Kathryn Schultz Miller.
    “A Thousand Cranes” is an inspiring play based on the true story of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who lived near Hiroshima, Japan, who was 2-years-old when the atomic bomb was dropped in August 1945. She subsequently became ill as a result of fallout from the bomb. While in the hospital, she began folding paper origami cranes, inspired by the legend that anyone who folds a thousand cranes will have a wish granted.
    Auditions are open to all students in grades 2 through 12. Primary auditions will be held on Tuesday Feb. 2 from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m. Any students wishing to audition for a part in the production must attend this rehearsal. Some children may be called back for a second audition on Thursday, Feb. 4 from 2:45-4:30 p.m.
    Rehearsals for this year’s production will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-4:30 p.m. beginning Feb. 9 and continuing up until the week of the performance. There may be additional rehearsals, if needed, during the final weeks of preparation. There will be no rehearsals during the school vacation weeks. The final week’s rehearsals will take place at the Houlton High School auditorium. All other rehearsals will be at the Court Street Baptist Church in Houlton. Children who audition for the production should be able to attend all rehearsals.
    The final production will be performed at the Houlton High School auditorium on Friday, April 30 and Saturday, May 1.
    “A Thousand Cranes” will be directed by Pamela Chernesky, who also directed last year’s Houlton Star Bright Children’s Theatre production, “Seven by Seuss.” Chernesky brings a wealth of experience to this year’s production, having worked in theatre for many years as an actor and director and in various technical roles, as well as working as a K-12 Theatre and Visual Arts teacher.
    The Houlton Star Bright Children’s Theatre, founded in 1969 by students at Ricker College, is one of the oldest community children’s theatres in the country and offers live theater FOR and BY children to the Greater Houlton area. The Theatre is a non-profit organization supported by volunteer help and community donations.
    For more information contact, Frank Sullivan at 538-9416 or e-mail frank@rainbarrow.net.