HOULTON – The following cases were heard in the District Court in Houlton during the month of December, 2009.
Rickey Antworth, 21, Westfield: motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit, $500 fine.
Amy Appleby, 38, Houlton: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, filed without costs.
Josiane Beaudoin, 22, St. Thomas de Joliette, Que.: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
Alexander J. Bell, 23, Caribou: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
Jordan C. Benn, 18, Hodgdon: attempting to elude law enforcement officer on ATV, filed on $100 costs, reckless operation of ATV, filed on $100 costs, operating ATV without lights $100 fine, operating ATV on public way, $100 fine and failing to display ATV registration numbers, dismissed.
Marshall Benn, 29, Hammond Twp.: violating protective order, 48 hours in jail.
Christopher W. Boyce, 39, Bridgewater: domestic violence assault, 180 days in jail with all suspended, two years’ probation.
Patrick G. Brewer, 31, Monticello: violating condition of release, $250 fine.
Gary M. Brown, 67, Durham Bridge, N.B.: operating under the influence, $500 fine and 48 hours in jail.
Jesse M. Brubacher, 27, Waterloo, Ont.: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
Larry W. Carll, 32, Linneus: violating protective order (three counts), seven days in jail (each count).
Sarah Cofske, Hodgdon: allowing dog to be at large, $50 fine.
Jeffrey Conroy, 37, Burlington, Vt.: operating vehicle without license, dismissed.
Ashley R. Cote, 21, Amity: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine and $30 restitution.
Christopher J. Coty, 29, New Limerick: violating condition of release, 10 days in jail.
Lee Dana Crandall, 26, Oakfield: violating condition of release, $250 fine.
Zachery P. Cronkhite, 23, Levant: possession of marijuana, dismissed.
Michael E. Czeshowski, 56, Killington, Vt.: using artificial light to illuminate wild animals, $200 fine and possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
Daniel M. Davis, 48, Cambridge: possession of marijuana, $350 fine and sale and use of drug paraphernalia, dismissed.
Eric W. Dobbins, 30, Houlton: violating protective order, $250 fine and three days in jail, violating condition of release, three days in jail.
Mark J. Dube, 41, Bow, N.H.: motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit, dismissed.
Ronald B. Dupont, 42, Linneus: burning prohibited material, $100 fine.
Leroy J. Fitzpatrick, 58, Houlton: loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, $100 fine.
Terrence D. Fletcher, 60, Bridgewater: operating ATV on public way, $50 fine.
Rodney Forsyth, 43, Hodgdon: allowing dog to be at large, dismissed.
Gregory S. Foster, 19, Houlton: allowing minor to possess or consume liquor, filed without costs.
Jacob Henry Gardner, 22, Patten: OUI, $500 fine and 90-day license suspension.
Clyde D. Geary, 27, Houlton: driving to endanger, dismissed.
Steven J. Gonya, 24, Brewer: failing to make oral or written accident report, 10 days in jail, operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
GR Roofing Co. Inc., Bangor: rule violation, operating without duty record, $500 fine.
Renee T. Grzych, 47, Orient: carrying concealed weapon, filed on $300 costs.
Terrance Hayes, 59, Houlton: disorderly conduct, loud unreasonable noise, four days in jail.
Tommy A. Hein, 33, Corryton, Tenn.: rule violation, operating with false duty, $750 fine.
Greg W. Hitchcock, 37, Smyrna: violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.
Samantha Ivey, 20, Baie du Febure, Que.: possession of marijuana, filed on $350 costs.
Joe Madore Trucking, Inc., Arthurette, N.B.: rule violation, other, $200 fine.
Harold C. Lord, 74, Fort Kent Mills: operating vehicle without license, $150 fine.
Suzette E. Lord, 31, Littleton: operating vehicle without license, $250 fine.
Glen E. Lynds, 71, Monticello: loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, $100 fine.
Connor L. MacQueen, 22, Port Douglas, B.C.: unlawful possession of scheduled drug (two counts), filed on $500 and 100 hours of community service (first) and filed on $500 costs (second count).
Mary C. Martin, 66, Eel Ground, N.B.: operating vehicle without a license, $150 fine.
Matthew R. McAllister, 40, Greensboro Band, Vt.: hunting with firearm/crossbow without hunter orange, $100 fine.
Kenneth McCrary, 19, Linneus: violating condition of release and operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed (both counts).
Dustin K. McCrum, 25, Mars Hill: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Larry Allen McLean, 44, Littleton: allowing dog to be at large, $50 fine.
Cameron T. McNally, 20, Sherman: loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, $200 fine.
Daniel C. McNamara, 61, Geneva, Fla.: fishing without valid license, $100 fine.
Kenneth McCrary, 19, Linneus: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
Rebekah L. Mitchell, 29, Oakfield: OUI, $500 fine, seven days in jail and 90-day license suspension, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed and violating condition of release, seven days in jail.
Harold E. Moore, 59, Jackson: unlawfully shooting or discharging firearm or crossbow, $100 fine.
Nathan L. Murphy, 34, Merrill: negotiating a worthless instrument, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (two counts), forgery and violating condition of release, 30 days in jail (each count).
Leonard A. Muzzi, III, 52, Halifax, Mass.: operating unregistered ATV, $50 fine.
Kevin Troy O’Donnell, 44, Oakland: operating with detectable presence of alcohol, filed on $250 costs.
Ricky Osmond, 34, Corner Brook, N.B.: rule violation, operating with false duty, $750 fine.
Brian S. Paquin, 46, Houlton: fugitive from justice, dismissed.
Richard Parent, 41, Fredericton, N.B.: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
Jeffrey A. Prior, 34, Williamstown, N.J.: motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit, filed without costs.
Ashley Quint, 23, Linneus: violating condition of release, $250 fine and 24 hours in jail.
Marty R. Rockwell, 47, Oakfield: failure to visit traps in organized town, $100 fine.
Gerald Roy, 65, Bradley: loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, $200 fine.
Timothy J. Sanderson, 28, Houlton: theft by receiving stolen property, seven days in jail.
Brian Sanford, 26, Oakfield: criminal trespass, $100 fine.
Leland N. Suitter, 53, Houlton: operating while license suspended or revoked, $500 fine and seven days in jail.
Randall G. Tidd, 51, Hodgdon: discharging firearm or crossbow near dwelling, $100 fine.
Vanessa J. Tomah, 20, Houlton: furnishing liquor to minor, $500 fine and 24 days in jail; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana and minor possessing liquor, dismissed (each count).
Tyler F. Trojanloski, IV, 19, Branford, Conn.: fishing without valid license, $100 fine.
Ray W. Varney, 21, Houlton: OUI, $500 fine, 96 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
Vicki M. Ward, 48, Sherman: attaching false plates, $150 fine.
Jayson Westerdahl, 31, Littleton: operating after registration suspended, $150 fine.
Staci M. Whitcomb, 23, Unity: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
Kyle D. Williams, 21, Monticello: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine and 50 hours’ community service.