City Council starts year with annual updates

15 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE — City Council’s January sessions were used to establish 2010’s meeting schedule, re-pass a number of ordinances and appoint city staff to various positions. 

    During its Jan. 20 session, councilors voted unanimously to appoint George Howe as alternate building inspector, alternate housing inspector, alternate electrical inspector, alternate plumping inspector and alternate handicap project coordinator. The vote was also unanimous to appoint Kari Wells-Puckett to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a three-year term, ending Dec. 31, 2012; and appoint Marcella Walton as alternate on the Zoning Board of Appeals for a one-year term, ending Dec. 31, 2010.
    The Jan. 4 session found councilors beginning the new year handling matters dealt with on an annual basis, in addition to regular business.
    Councilors established the coming year’s schedule for City Council meetings, with the 2010 schedule set as the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at Council Chambers at City Hall, 12 Second St., Presque Isle. In instances when the first Monday is a recognized holiday, or in cases of severe weather when offices are closed, the regular meeting will be held on the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. Council will use regular meetings to determine if it wants to call a special meeting at a date and time determined by councilors.
    Council also considered filling a payroll position with the city to return the process to city control, following unspecified problems the city has had since switching to Advantage Payroll. Deputy Councilwoman Jennifer Trombley and Council Chair Ed Nickerson volunteered to meet with Audit Committee and Resource Management Director LaNiece Winslow to discuss what the issues were regarding the outside contractor.
    In other news, Council:
• Held the first of two public hearings to consider amending Chapter 16 — Land Use and Development Code for Chapter I, Section VIII, Suburban Residential Zone, C.5, to change the square footage requirements for neighborhood convenience commercial facilities, with Presque Isle resident James Brown speaking in favor of the proposed change, noting how it would allow Ray’s Corner Variety at the corner of Academy and Dudley streets to expand and improve service;
• Re-passed ordinances scheduled to sunset in 2010, including: Chapter 7 — Assessors and Board of Assessment Review; Chapter 16 — Land Use and Development Code; Chapter 39 — Public Assemblies; Chapter 48 — General Assistance; Chapter 51 — City Council Compensation; Chapter 52 — Commercial Displays of Nudity; as well as Chapter 57 — Emergency Management;
• Approved a taxicab license for Howard Worthington, d/b/a WBK Taxi, 41 Pease Rd., Mapleton;
• Authorized the purchase of an all-terrain vehicle for the Northern Maine Regional Airport from Harry’s Motor Sports, 640 Main St., Presque Isle, from funds previously set aside by the City Council from the General Aviation roofing budget, with funding (for that fund) to be replenished at a later date;
• Approved the municipal officer’s policy on disbursement of municipal education costs;
• Approved the policy on the treasurer’s disbursement warrants for employee wages;
• Solid Waste Director Dana Fowler provided an update regarding the scrap metal contract with D&N. Several legal options were given by City Solicitor Hugo Olore, with the suggestion of a “novation” (substitution of a new obligation for an old one) which would be justified due to dealing with a “unique product.” D&N has no assets in the state of Maine for the city to pursue. Council subsequently authorized the city to enter a novation of the existing contract with D&N Metals in order to bring the contract terms in compliance with the facts. Councilor Trombley abstained in the 6-0-1 vote; and
• Council approved consent agenda items, including meeting minutes of December 17 and 21, 2009, and warrants 50 and 51 totaling just over $515,550.
    Council will next meet on Monday, Feb. 1, at 6 p.m. at City Hall. The public is welcome and encouraged to participate. For more information, contact Dana Fowler, interim city manager, at 764-2507.