On Sunday, Jan. 31, Democrats will meet to elect delegates to the Democratic State Convention and to elect Democratic town committee officers and Democratic county committee members. Attendees will also discuss policy issues affecting all Maine people.
Caucus times and locations in each town will be posted at local town offices or can be found at www.aroostookdems.org.
“Caucuses are a time to make your voice heard. Together, we will work from the grassroots to build a strong party framework … that will continue to provide support for achieving the goals we all voted for in November 2008,” said John Knutson, Chairman of the Maine Democratic Party.
“The caucuses are the front lines of grassroots politics. We encourage people to bring to the caucus their viewpoints, ideas, and questions,” said Franklin County Democrats Chairperson Anne Geller. Elected officials and Democratic candidates or their representatives will be on hand to hear constituents’ thoughts on what should be the focus of the Democratic Party in the coming year.
The caucuses are open to all registered Democrats and to people not currently registered in a political party who would like to enroll as a Democrat. People who would like to become registered Democrats may do so now at their town office or at the caucus. Enrollments at the caucus can take place starting one-half hour before the caucus start-time and continuing for the first half hour of the caucus itself.
In case of snow, the alternate date will be during the first week of February.
In Hodgdon and Amity, Democrats will meet at 1 p.m. at the Hodgdon Town Office.
In Houlton, Monticello and Littleton, Democrats will meet at 1 p.m. at the Houlton Fire Department.
In Island Falls, Sherman, Smyrna, Oakfield, Moro Plantation, Dyer Brook, Merrill and Benedicta, Democrats will meet at 2 p.m. at the Island Falls Municipal Building.
In Bancroft, Democrats will meet at 3 p.m. at the former Bancroft School.
In Bridgewater, Democrats will meet at 2 p.m. at the Bridgewater Civic Building.
In Linneus, Democrats will meet at 1 p.m. at the Linneus Town Office.
In Ludlow, Democrats will meet at 1 p.m. at 1720 Ludlow Road.
In Orient, Democrats will meet at 2 p.m. at the Orient Town Hall.