Rotarians get event updates

15 years ago

Mars Hill News

by Tomi Henderson

   The Mars Hill Rotary Club met on Tuesday, Jan. 19, at the Aroostook Health Center. Members discussed the upcoming Winterfest Rotary Dinner on March 12, as well as the planned Health Fair and Miss and Little Miss Mars Hill Pageants in April. 

   The special speaker was visiting Rotarian Ralph McPherson. He works at The Aroostook Medical Center and spoke about stress management. Stress is excessive worry that can affect many aspects of a person’s health and family relationships.
 Signs and symptoms of stress can be physical, emotional and/or behavioral. Some stress-related disorders can be heart disease, hypertension, stroke, depression, anxiety and stress can lead to suicide. 
   Stress can be managed, but it is important to acknowledge that you may need help. Sticking to the basics of eating correctly, exercising and getting enough sleep, as well as seeing your health provider to get their help when necessary is important.
   Copies of “I Remember When in Mars Hill” are now on sale at the Mars Hill Town Office and several other businesses in town. At a cost of $25, these books include 37 stories of Mars Hill through the years.  Written by various individuals, there are stories and memories about local and farm families, sports, Main St., postal service, Eagle Scouts and much more.  
  Copies of the 2010 Birthday Calendar are also available for $6.  Sponsored by the Mars Hill Rotary Club, proceeds will be used for various Mars Hill projects.

Library auction

 The Walter T.S. Hansen Memorial Library in Mars Hill will be having an online auction beginning on Feb. 1 and lasting through the month of February. The Web site is:
    Many items are available, including autographed sports memorabilia from the Boston Bruins and Boston Red Sox, tickets to sporting events throughout the state, gift cards, food items, Disney tickets, Amtrak tickets and much more.
   If anyone would like to make a donation to the library, donate a memorial book or magazine or help out the library in some other way, you may do so directly at the library at 10 Hansen St. in Mars Hill or by mail at P.O. Box 1008, Mars Hill, ME 04758. Questions may be directed to Tammy Delong, trustee, at 425-1007 or the library at 429-9625.

Fan Appreciation Night

    Fan Appreciation Night at CAHS will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 27.  There will be 40 door prizes. Teams that will be recognized include girls’ basketball, cheerleaders, pep bank and the ski team.
   The CAHS Booster Club will be selling lobster rolls and grilled cheese sandwiches beginning at 4 p.m.


   The Mars Hill American Legion Hall is offering karaoke each Friday night from 7 to 10 p.m. Admission is $3 per person. With emcees Dennis and Celia Maurice, this promises to be a fun thing to do on Fridays. Those under age 17 must be accompanied by an adult. Singers are to bring their own songs. Prizes will be awarded each Friday for the best performers.

Devoe to attend college

    Jeffrey Devoe, son of Matthew Dow and Heidi Brewer, of Mars Hill, has been accepted to the University of Northwestern Ohio in Lima, Ohio, to begin classes in the August session where he will be majoring in the HVAC/R program. Devoe is currently a student at Central Aroostook Jr./Sr. High School.
    Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail   


     CHEERLEADERS  On Thursday, Jan. 14, the Central Aroostook Junior High cheerleaders became the 2010 Small School Aroostook League champions for the second year in a row. They also won for Best Team Tumbling. The competition took place at CAHS. Pictured are, in front, from left:  Mollie Garrison, Jordan Canney, Bailee Durost, Courtney Milliard, Coach Jenna Spoto, Brooke Cyr, Rae Brewer and Tucker Fletcher. Second row, from left: Hannah Brewer, Gwen Parsons, Molly Anthony, Alexis Bradbury and Natasha Klinger. 







Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson Image
    MASONS — Aroostook Lodge 197 held installation of officers on Saturday, Jan. 16, at the Masonic Hall in Mars Hill. The Installing Suite were: Installing Master — RW Kenneth White DDGM; Installing Chaplain — RW James R May, Assist. G. Lecturer; and Installing Marshal — VW Steve Sherman PDER. The Senior Warden was installed by VW Neal Haines. Prompter was WB Robert Hancock. Pictured are the officers, in front, from left: Senior Steward Afton Cronkhite Jr., Junior Deacon Kevin Warman, Worshipful Master Robert Collins, Senior Warden Peter Burlock, Senior Deacon Roger Libby, and Junior Steward Loren King. Back row, from left: Secretary Eugene Amnott, Treasurer Arlington Wiggins, Chaplin Blair McCartney and Marshall Milo Cropley.  Absent were Junior Warden Christopher Cronkhite and Tyler C. Ray Jones.