Rotary donates to seat campaign

15 years ago

    HOULTON — The Houlton Community Arts Center received a donation recently from the Houlton Rotary Club toward its seat campaign.  The Rotary Club was instrumental in helping with the seed money for the Arts Center and has continued on in its support of the Center through several years of fund-raising. The seats are now all in place in the new facility, but there is still payment due on some of them. The campaign is coming along nicely and many people have purchased seats in honor or memory of loved ones, school class, etc
    Seats may be purchased by contacting Mike or Deb Clark at 532-7148.
ImagePhoto courtesy of Deb Clark
SEAT DONATION — The Houlton Rotary recently donated money to the Houlton Community Arts Center for its seat campaign. Taking part in the presentation are, from left, Steve Fitzpatrick, superintendent; Marty Bouchard, HHS principal; Joe Fagnant, HCAC president; John Tribou, Rotary Club president; and Michael Clark, seat campaign chairman.