Community Notebook

15 years ago

 By Shirley Sides
The Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
    Our leader opened the meeting with our pledge and roll call.
We had 10 ladies weigh-in and eight attended our meeting. Shirley Sides was the person who lost the most weight for the week, and we had no runner-up.
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
Our leader led the program for the week, with a quiz of which the answers were interesting.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday 8-8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information. See you there!

by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233 of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Feb. 5 meeting. Nineteen ladies were in attendance; four of them were KOPS. Joyce Estey, leader, was in attendance.
We said our pledges and roll call was given. Reports were given by Joanne Scott, Lois Downing and a financial summary by Janette Nelson. The skinny dish was conducted by Donna Parent and held over.
Loser of the week was Jackie and runner-up Melva Folsom.
Ten minutes of exercices were led by Barbara Troy.
Lois Downing read a Valentine poem taken from the recent TOPS magazine. Next week there will be a mug exchange and valentines will be exchanged, for those who want to participate.
Elinor Harvey will no longer have charge of the camera and the taking of pictures. Brenda Lacostic will have this duty in the future. Pictures were taken of those who received charms; Melva Folsom presented these to the following:
Perfect attendance for October, November and December, — Aileen Smith, Barbara Whited, Sharon Martin, Gerry McAfee, Janice Shaw, Kay Grass, Elinor Harvey, Betty Ivey, Linda Bartlett, Joyce Estey, Melva Folsom, Lois Downing and Donna Parent.
Perfect attendance for July, August and September — Sharon Martin, Gerry McAfee, Joanne Scott, Janice Shaw, Barbara Grant, Betty Ivey, Linda Bartlett, Joyce Estey, Melva Folsom, Lois Downing and Donna Parent.
Losers of the month were: September, Gerry McAfee; October, Janice Shaw; November, Linda Bartlett and December, Joanne Scott.
Linda Bartlett had six weeks of no gain; KOPS in leeway, Lois Downing, Charlotte Marley, and Donna Parent.
Denise Kinney had charge of the program, titled “Self-esteem.” The subject was taken from the latest TOPS magazine and well received.
Joyce read a letter from Lorna Pond written to Charlotte and for the group. Charlotte explained our new contest, “Back to Basics,” and passed out material for it beginning today.
For more information on the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
The chapter meets every Friday at 9 a.m. when the meeting begins. The weigh-in period is at 8-8:45 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

Island Falls Happenings

On Feb. 5, Clara Hathaway turned 103 and on Feb. 7 several members of the Whittier Congregational Church presented her with many Happy Birthday wishes and also a lovely birthday cake, made and decorated by Candy McKellar. Clara ia a life-long member of the Whittier church and attended faithfully until a year or so ago when she moved to Patten.
Had a nice phone call the other day from Marion (Grant) Burton, a friend who now lives in Rancho Cordova, Calif., who had heard that I had been ill. I informed her that I was now fine and looking forward to seeing both her and husband, Don, when they return to the County in the spring to stay all summer at their cottage on Mattawamkeag Lake.
Recent visitors of Clayton and Priscilla Varney have been their son and his wife, Carol, who arrived from Winterport to spend some time with them. Just received a very nice letter from a lady in Somerset, Mass. who subscribes to the Pioneer and is also a summer resident with a cottage in Staceyville. She enjoys her summers here, despite the pesky blackflies, but after arriving to stay awhile when it was cold, decided to spend the rest of the winter in Mass. Said she enjoyed reading the Pioneer and all of its news.
Just mixed up some more peanut butter and lard for all my feathered friends and filled up the feeders. The big woodpeckers arrived almost at once to partake of the peanut butter mixture—it is there very favorite. Of course the blue jays and starlings and chickadees like it too, but have to sort of wait their turn when the woodpeckers are there. Have two big, bushy-tailed squirrels and one small red one who enjoy all this, too. That’s why I have to put so much out. Have been having 4-6 deer arrive in the late afternoon so have been going out with my cut-up apples and bread for them to lunch on. They look fat and healthy and wander all over the neighbor hood eating what they can from one neighbors hedge and from the cedar trees around in the area. They are quite skittish, too, and run like mad if they spy anyone around. When it gets warmer I’ll try and talk to them to calm them down.