Purple Hat Society
By Lois Downing
The Purple Hat Society met at the Oakfield snowmobile clubhouse on Tuesday, March 9. Charlotte Marley, leader, was at the door to greet everyone.
Twenty-one ladies attended and Jackie Reinzo became a new member.
Evelyn Johnston gave the blessing before the meal, prepared by Sandy Wyman. Sandy’s kitchen crew was Bob Locke, Don Marley and Pete Peters. They were given a round of applause for their preparations.
The menu was lobster or chicken rolls, green salad, strawberry shortcake, brownies, vanilla or chocolate cup cakes, and beverages. The ladies all claimed — delicious.
In keeping with St. Patrick’s Day March 17, shamrock favors and heart candy favors (for Valentine’s day) were at each place setting.
Each lady introduced herself with her purple hat name. Cindy Gray and Arlene Friel gave some readings and Peggy Sanders told a “doctor” joke.
Special purple shoes were given to Wannetta Townsend and Sandra Holmes.
After the meal, the ladies participated in a “delayed” valentine swap.
Attending from Cary: Brenda Lacostic, Denise Kinney, and Jackie Reinzo; from Dyer Brook, Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, and Sandy Wyman.
Also, from Oakfield, Delores Locke, Evelyn Burpee, Ursula Levesque, Tessie Barrett, Bernice Campbell, Evelyn Johnston, and Sandra Holmes.
Also from Island Falls, Mildred Gagnon; from Merrill, Arlene Friel; from Smyrna, Cindy Gray, Peggy Sanders, and Charlotte Marley.
Also from Houlton: Betty Wyman, Paula Wyman and Gerry McAfee.
The next meeting place will be announced.
Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
An Irish blessing: May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, And the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His Hand. Happy St. Patrick’s Day everybody!
Shirley Nason has spent a few days at Houlton Regional Hospital, Gardiner Nursing Facility and will be back at her apartment this week. We have missed you, Shirley.
Opal Crane was also at Houlton Regional Hospital for several weeks nursing an injury. She is home now. We missed you too, Opal.
We have our computer back and it’s working faster than ever! Thanks to the experienced computer person and Jeff.
And speaking of Jeff, Thibodeau, he’s not around. He’s gone to California to visit his sister.
We have automatic hand sanitizers around the complex now and they are so convenient.
Lois Downing has returned from a visit in Bangor with her daughter Kathryn Hall. Kathy had surgery at Eastern Maine Medical Center and her mother stayed until her return to work. While there, Lois and Kathy visited their sister-in-law and aunt, Freda Polk, a resident at Stillwater Nursing Home.
We are having a potluck dinner in the community room on Wednesday, March 17 at 11:30. Please bring your own dishes and come to enjoy the great food.
While the writer was gone, Bingo took on a new face — it was free and the office supplied lots of prizes. Our attendance has picked up and we will have specials periodically, so come and enjoy the Bingo games. Elinor Schenk and Helen Brewer attended the women’s retreat at the Military Street Baptist Church on Saturday.
Carolyn Carmichael is home after a short stint at the hospital. We’re glad you are back too. We’re sure Paul is too!
Aren’t we blessed by the unusually lower temperatures! Imagine many are walking outside rather than inside now. And the time has changed. We’re back on the old time.
We have a lovely plant in the computer room. It was among one that was dying outside so Lavina Byron brought it back to life with nourishment, water and caring. It is a wonderful addition to our room.
A few tips: make walking a permanent part of your lifestyle. Did you know your body is 60 percent water. Water gets nutrients to the muscles and brain, also creates sweat to keep your temperature normal. You can lose nearly a quart of water while exercising. Drink before you work out or walk. Walking regularly lowers the risk of breast cancer, reduces fatigue and boosts immune function. Walking is number one in exercise.
Another Bible quote: “Blessed be the Lord Jesus God of Israel; for He hath visited and redeemed His people.” (Luke 1:68)
Have a wonderful week and keep it safe.
Happy Losers gather
On March 10 the Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. We opened our meeting with our usual pledge and roll call.
We had 11 ladies weigh in and 10 attended our class. Dotty Rand and Lois Green were the persons who lost the most weight for the week. And, Shirley Sides was runner-up. Great job ladies!
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week. We welcomed Jeanne Watson back to our class. Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. Meetings are always interesting and informative.
The Tulips have taken the lead from the Daffodils in our contest.
Please feel welcome to our group of ladies every Wed. 8-8:45 a.m. Weigh-ins and meetings start at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information. See you there.
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, March 12 meeting.
Nineteen ladies were present; two were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibily).
Joyce Estey, leader, led the meeting. Elinor Harvey acted as the official greeter.
Denise Kinney and Jackie Reinzo were the weight recorders. Loser of the week was Dale Holden with runners-up Melva Folsom and Jackie Reinzo.
Ten minutes of exercises were led by Barbara Troy.
Each lady noted her weight or loss and each gave a comment about their week. Their statements were in keeping with the current contest, “Back to Basics.”
The skinny dish was won by Dale Holden. The winnings were turned in to start another week!
We were told that Joan Simpson, a former member, is now a tenant at Madigan House. If anyone wishes to send a card, this is the address to use— on Military Street, Houlton, ME 04730. Her husband is a tenant in another part of the Madigan Estates.
Joyce told us that there is a workshop March 27 in Van Buren at the Community Center. She also revealed some SRD facts at Bangor in May.
Janette Nelson will take charge of the notes as to what we like about our leader. The notes are to be brought back to her at the next meeting and submitted to SRD officials.
Donna Parent heard from Dellie Bennett and she and her husband are fine and will probably be back in Houlton in April.
Denise had the program taken from a recent TOPS magazine and the subject was eyes and vision. She read of some foods to help keep vision healthy.
If you wish more information about the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey, 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
The meetings begin at 9 o’clock after weigh-in, 8-8:45 a.m.
Everyone is welcome.
Island Falls Seniors meet
The Island Falls Senior Citizens met on March 4, at the municipal building for a potluck luncheon.
After the Lord’s prayer and flag salute, the meeting was called to order by the president, Terry Dwyer.
Secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted.
Mary spoke on the farm shares. Kerry McNally has 100 shares,
A sympathy card was sent to Elinor Gellerson’s family.
The “game” was played and enjoyed by all.
Happy Birthday was sung to all the recipients.
We had two new members join.
Next meeting will be on March 18. Verna will play the piano for a sing-a-long.
Those present included Gladys Ferguson, Shirley and Jim D’Angelo, Mary Lawler, Verna MacArthur, Helen Sherman, Ursula Levesque, Jeanne Clements, Hope Anderson, Ellie Peck, Edward Dwyer, Theodore Sherman and Roberta Johnson, both guests, Tom and Heidi Clark, Gladys Corneil, Terry Dwyer, Mary Pipes, Marjorie Nicholson and Edith Dwyer.
Patten Seniors convene
Patten Senior Citizens met at Meadowbrook Manor on March 2 with eight members and two guests present.
The Lord’s prayer was recited by the members before the potluck meal.
After the meal, the new president Annette Noyes, presented outgoing president Jackie Palmer a vase of flowers and thanked her for her many years of service.
President Noyes opened the business meeting by leading the flag salute.
Secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted.
A reading was done by Jackie Palmer.
Cards were signed and sent to Shirley Merrill, Eileen Fisher, Joyce Hunter, Annie Somers and Nancy Dauphinee.
Gini Garrett, RSVP coordinator, thanked the club for their donation to the RSVP Recognition Dinner.
Members are asked to bring a green food dish and to also wear something green to the next meeting.
The game was played.
Beano will be played at the March 16 meeting.
Members present were Rubenia Botting, Nettie Shorey, Annette Noyes, Mary Lawler, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Jean Tarr, Maxine Brackett and guests Gini Garrett, RSVP coordinator and Connie Berry.
Sherman Seniors meet
The Sherman area Senior Citizens met on Wednesday, March 3 to eat lunch and celebrate a special birthday, 94, for Mary Dickinson, who has been in a rest home in Lincoln for several months.
The weather conditions permitted her son, Jeremy Ingalls and wife to transport her on that sunny day. Twenty-eight members, guests, friends made up the crowd.
Present were Annie and Fred Atkinson, Paul and Sandra Qualey, Richard and Marjorie Hall, Dean McKenny, Jimmy and Mary Ingalls, Melissa Grass, Pat Violette, “Deacon Dan”, Mary Hunt, Margaret Qualey, Esther Ruth Hines, Rita Qualey, Ursula Levesque, Frances Sleeper, Bonita Staples, Eva Perry, June Gagnon, Linniea Perry, Esther Greenier, Gloria Yeo, Muriel Hughes and Sandra Albert.
Our next regular meeting will be on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. Wear your green! Sing Irish songs! We’ll find some entertainers. Don’t miss this famous day.
Benefit Supper in Oakfield
On Saturday, Jan. 30, there was a good turnout for a benefit supper and music for Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Philips at the Oakfield Community Center.
On Wednesday, Feb. 3, Mrs. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki Haulers Snow Club in Oakfield.
On Tuesday, Feb. 9, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Mrs. Sandi Wyman and Miss Wannetta Townsend along with other purple hat ladies society had lunch at Grammy’s Country Inn in Linneus.
On Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 9, Mrs. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend were callers on Mrs. Gillotti’s daughter, Mrs. Duane Gove in Houlton.
On Thursday afternoon, Feb. 4, Brandon Noyes of Crystal was a caller on his cousin, Miss Wannetta Townsend.
Several people from out of town attended the funeral of Mrs. Mildred White at the Pentecostal Church in Oakfield.
On Wednesday, March 3, Mrs. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoke Haulers Snow Club in Oakfield.
On Saturday, March 13, there will be a rummage sale at the Oakfield Community Center to benefit Mrs. Avis Noyce.