CARIBOU – The following cases were heard in the District Court in Caribou during the month of February.
Garrett Achorn, 22, Limestone: criminal mischief, $250 fine and $400 restitution. Albert Anderson, 45, Caribou: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine and $1.39 restitution.
Dwayne M. Bouchard, 52, Perham: unlawfully shooting or discharging firearm or crossbow, $250 fine.
Ricky D. Castonguay, 56, Washburn: hunting from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, $250 fine.
Lynn Charette, 36, Caribou: operating under the influence, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
Larry R. Churchill, 42, Presque Isle: terrorizing, $250 fine.
Amanda L. Dean, 29, Mapleton: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Marian Dow, 24, Washburn: operating while license suspended or revoked, filed on $125 costs.
Sarah B. Foster, 32, Fort Fairfield: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $350 fine and $226.76 restitution.
Shirley Fox, 52, Washburn: hunting from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, filed on $100 costs.
Peggy Gagnon, 50, Caribou: domestic violence assault, $300 fine and three days in jail, disorderly conduct, loud noise, private place, three days in jail.
Dusty Glasscock, 20, Caribou: operating snowmobile on public way, $100 fine.
Amanda Guerrette, 18, Caribou: minor possessing liquor, $200 fine.
Ian Johns, 34, Limestone: unlawful cutting of trees, filed without costs.
Nathan Larson, 30, Caribou: obstructing public ways, $200 fine.
Justin B. Matt, Sanford: attaching false plates, $100 fine.
Troy E. McLean, 36, Limestone: operating unregistered snowmobile, $100 fine.
Brent F. Rafford, 37, Caribou: OUI, $500 fine and 90-day license suspension.
Steven Selander, 19, Caribou: OUI, $500 fine and 90-day license suspension.
Darrell J. Theriault, Jr., 22, Stockholm: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, $100 fine.
Carla Thibeau, 48, Fort Fairfield: criminal trespass, 24 hours in jail, disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $200 fine.
Ryan Umphrey, 38, Presque Isle: operating unregistered snowmobile, $100 fine.
Kathalen Watson, 42, Caribou: assault, six months in jail, all suspended and one year’s probation.
Stacy L. White, 28, Caribou: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.