HPD Corner

15 years ago

Reporting a crime, suspicious person/activity
    Be prepared to call 9-1-1 and/or have the phone number to the police or sheriff’s department by your phone. Remain calm. Avoid taking risk. Keep away from the crime scene.
    When you call to report a suspicious activity, you will be asked for your name, address and telephone number. This information is requested in case additional contact with you becomes necessary. You can remain anonymous, if you wish.
     The following information is most important when you are reporting a crime:
    • What happened?
    • Time and place
    • Was anyone hurt
    • Description of suspect(s)
    • Description of vehicle(s)
    • License plate number
    • Time and direction of escape
    • Any other additional details and circumstance
    Remain on the telephone until you are certain the law enforcement agency has all the necessary information. Above all remember that with your help in reporting suspicious activities, law enforcement agencies can more effectively protect the rights of citizens.