Deep thoughts on light subjects

15 years ago


By Jill Courchene
Caribou Middle School, Grade 5

Snowflakes are
Never the Same
Over the earth they float down softly
Wind blows the
Flakes into your face
Lightly melting on your tongue
All you play
Kindly throwing snowballs, you
Endure the cool flakes on your nose


Hot Chocolate

By Erin Randall
Caribou Middle School, Grade 5

Heated and steaming
On top of
The stove.
Cooling, so you better
Hurry, drink it fast
On this freezing
Cold day.
On the surface,
Little Marshmallows
Add to
The delight
Every time you sip.


By Annie Wilson
Grade 8
Limestone Community School

Winter is here,
 Winter is near,
Winter is Bright,
What a magical sight,
Winter is cold,
You don’t need to be told,
Nights by the fire,
May bring a lot of tire,
Watching all the flames,
It’s hardly a shame,
Drinking hot cocoa,
Thinking about long ago,
Makes me wonder what tomorrow holds,
A future of choices.


The Aroostook Republican staff would like to say a big thank you to all area students and their teachers for participating in this years’ Newspapers In Education publication.