Middle school wrestlers earn championship titles

15 years ago

Middle school wrestlers earn championship titles

By Joseph Cyr
Sports Editor

    CARIBOU — Young grapplers took center stage at Caribou High School Saturday for the Aroostook League Middle School wrestling championship and when the dust had settled, Caribou collected the trophy. 

    Team scores from the event were: 1, Caribou, 228; 2, Union 122, 184; 3, Fort Kent, 120; 4, Presque Isle, 115.
    Results from the championship round were:
    69 pounds — Danny Theriault (Union) beat Noah Cousins (Car), 14-4.
    75 pounds — Carig Vrieze (Car) pinned Devin Martin (Car), at 0:42.
    81 pounds — Zachary Wright (Car) beat Tsion MacLeod (Union), 14-4.
    87 pounds — Joey Bourgoine (Car) pinned Josh Pelletier (FK), at 0:52.
    93 pounds — Glen Peterson (Union) defeated Tre Caudill (Car), 8-2.
    98 pounds — Greg Martin (Car) pinned Holden Bernier (FK), at 0:32.
    103 pounds — Mike Donovan (PI) pinned Jacob Brundy (Car), at 1:54.
    108 pounds — Robert Caudill (Car) defeated Matt Tilley (PI), 12-1.
    112 pounds — Axios Gerakaris (Car) beat Caleb Jandreau (FK), 9-7.
    115 pounds — Tyler Ayotte (PI) bested Dylan Theriault (Union), 9-5.
    119 pounds — Alex Losieniecki (Union) pinned Jordan Hodgkin (school not listed), at 1:43.
    123 pounds — Mitch Pelletier won uncontested.
    127 pounds — Justin Ouellette (Car) pinned Ryan Kelly (PI) at 0:27.
    130 pounds — Jacob Pelletier (FK) pinned Andormida Grondin (Car), at 0:50.
    135 pounds — Jacob Bither (Union) pinned Kaleb Donovan (PI), at 1:42.
    140 pounds — Kole Walker (FK) pinned Jordan Bevins (Car), at 0:30.
    145 pounds — Derik Michaud (Union) pinned Justin Hodgkin (FK), at 0:57.
    152 pounds — Dustin Demerchant (Car) pinned Kylie Haines (Union) at 1:16.
    160 pounds — Matt Manter (Union) defeated Colton Conley (Car), 11-0.
    171 pounds — Tim Shaw (Union) pinned Krsna Johnson (Union) at 0:30.
    189 pounds — Shane Landeen (Union) pinned Ricky Sheldon (Car) at 2:52.
    210 pounds — Jared Keaton (Car) pinned James Wilson (Union) at 0:57.
    230 pounds — Jamey Lessard (PI) pinned Brady Anderson (Union) at 1:45.
    Results from the consolation finals involving local wrestlers were:
    98 pounds — Jon Emmert (Car) pinned Kevin Blood (PI), at 1:17.
    103 pounds — Corey Michaud (Car) pinned Clint Adler (PI) at 1:21.
    108 pounds — David Cyr (PI) pinned Austin Brown (Car) at 1:23.
    112 pounds — Lews Amero (PI) pinned Sam Grey (PI) at 0:48.
    119 pounds — Taylor Miller (Car) pinned Andrew Lessard (PI) at 0:26.
    160 pounds — Keegan Lowe (PI) pinned Brea Johndreau (FK) at 0:56.
    171 pounds — Tristen Woodworth (PI) won uncontested.