Pierce honored at University of Maine

15 years ago

    For the second year in a row, Susan Camille Pierce has made the University of Maine’s Dean’s List. Hodgdon High School’s 2008 graduate set out to pursue a degree and career in music. As a UMO sophomore, she’s well on her way.  It has been a “team effort”, however, with lots of credit going to the greater Houlton community teachers and musicians: cello teacher Ruelene Geishceker, piano teacher Kaye Trickey, flute teachers Charles Nason and Pamela Kinsey (Ft. Fairfield), band directors Dave McGillicudy and Joe Fagnant, UMO’s Dr. Louis Hall, Harry Roper and each of the church officials, who have kept her at the organ in the Catholic, Methodist and Episcopal churches in Houlton.
ImageCamille Pierce
    Pierce plays with the UMO Band and Chamber Music Orchestra. She has played at Augusta and Boston. In May and June, she will play at Guatemala City in Mexico at Guatemala’s request.
    Pierce’s parents, Dan and Sue Pierce, appreciate everyone who has encouraged her over the years to pursue her dream of performing as a career.