Presque Isle High School

15 years ago

Presque Isle High School

At last it’s recess
Swinging, running, jumping high
And then the bell rings

~ Tori Doucette, PIHS freshman


Photo by Christen Allen

    FUN IN THE SNOW — I took this picture at Riverside Park on a snowy day. My friend was an amazing topic for the picture because she stayed still and her black jacket made the snow pop out. It was fun working to find the perfect spot for her because in the end we were having fun and it showed in the picture. I personally love how the background is blurred, and it makes her pop out of the picture. I also love that it was snowing that day. I think it gives the picture that little extra touch.




Photo courtesy of Amy White

    PIHS STUDENTS COLLABORATE — Students in Pam Willette’s English class and business technology teacher Amy White’s photography class teamed up on a project for Newspapers  in Education. White’s students submitted photos they’d take for various class projects, while Willette’s class wrote haiku poems to go with each picture. Project participants included, front row, from left: Megan Byers, Brooke Lovely, Cassie Lunney, Allissa McDougal, Jessica Stepp, Lorraine Hughes, Hannah Bonville and Katie Roberts. Middle row, from left: Katie, McKenna, Sam York, Kayla Girardin, Rachel Dow, Cassie Murchison, Mackenzie Lamoureux and Jacob Brawn. Back row, from left: Naiomi Donovan, Zach Dube, Zachary Raymond, Dale Winslow, Cody Bracy, Kacey Webber and Alyssa Farley.




The sun is setting
It yawns as it waves goodbye
And hides from the moon

~ Serenity Greer, PIHS freshman


Photo courtesy of Zachary Raymond

    THE ECOLOGY OF TOURISM — I took this picture for Mrs. White’s photography class at Presque Isle High School for the assignment of advertising in Presque Isle. This picture was taken in the late fall on the Aroostook River. I really like how the sun is shining off the river, giving the picture a very northern feel to the image. This image shows what Aroostook County is all about — being full of nature’s beauty. I would like to thank Mrs. White for all  of her help and trying to make me a better photographer.
Mittens warm my hands
Snow falls and lands on my face
It giggles and melts

~ Samantha York, PIHS freshman

Photo by Brooke Long-Postell

    LIFE IN CONTRAST — This photo was done as a result of duplicating another photo in my own way. I really like the way that the contrast turned out with the black and the white. I think that it gives the picture a whole different feel. I really think that the eyes stand out well with the black lining that I put under them. I also added a bit of white in the middle of the eye to make them reflect more.


Under crimson sky
His lips pursed, ready to blow
Wind takes the flower

~ Cody Bracy, PIHS freshman

Photo by Chris Cawley

    IN SILHOUETTE — I captured this photo one fall evening last year while out searching for good features to include in a class assignment. My journey took me to the top of the Griffin Ridge Road in Mapleton, where the sun had just set behind the hilly landscape. Our photography teacher had dared us to take a picture of someone blowing the seeds from a dandelion, so I took the chance to silhouette my subject in front of the colorful background. I tweaked the brightness, contrast, color saturation and hue of the photograph using editing software called GIMP, so the finished product is much more vibrant than the original. The aspects I like most e are the sharp contrast between the sunset and the other elements and also the motion blur that shows the seeds are actually floating away.





Blooming flowers are here
The sun is bright and pretty
It’s finally spring

~ Allissa McDougal, PIHS freshman

Photo by Kacey Webber

    SUNFLOWER SEES A SHADOW — I like this picture a lot. The lighting is really good and it shows the detail of the flower. I like how the shadows are highlighted and the picture itself is very vibrant. The colors are nice. I love how the leaf shows it’s been damaged by some sort of bug or a worm.





Just a normal girl
Until I put my boots on
Them I am fearless

~ Cassie Lunney, PIHS freshman

Photo by Shae Adler

    GETTING THE BOOT — I took this picture of a friend in the building trades classroom at Presque Isle Regional Career and Technology Center. I really like the photo because she is wearing really huge boots. The boots frame her face, which makes for a really fun photo.




Leaves fall from the trees
Catching on branches beneath
Then snow covers ground

~ Levi Simpson, PIHS freshman

Photo by Naiomi Donovan

    EMPHASIS ON FALL — I took this photo at my friend’s house for our Point of Focus project. I really like this picture because it emphasizes the colors of fall and there are no distractions in the background.





Fresh snow on the bridge
I walk to see its beauty
I smile and walk back

~ Dale Winslow
PIHS freshman


Photo by Cassie Murchison

    PLAYING WITH BRIDGES — This photograph was included in an assignment on bridges. It was taken at Riverside Park in Presque Isle. I like the contrast between the snow and the bridge and how the bridge leads into the picture.





Watch them gently sway
Reflecting in the water
Shining from above

Haley Bouchard, PIHS freshman


Photo by Katie Roberts

    REFLECTION POOL — What I love about this photo is the angle in the picture. I think that it is so cool because of the colors and the way that the sun comes down into it.





Walking on the beach
Footprints form beneath my feet
Heading towards the sea

~ Megan Byers, PIHS freshman

Photo by Mackenzie Lamoreaux

    TOO MUCH TO BAIL — This photo was taken in Old Orchard Beach. The assignment that I used this picture for was Point of Focus, because the little boy was the main focal point. I like this picture because of how he is sharp and the background is out of focus. The beach is my favorite place to be. The little boy is my cousin. So I got to spend the day at the beach with my family and capture and remember the day by this photo.





The rough wooden fence
Rigid, clear contrast against
The sparkling, smooth snow

~ Rachel Dow, PIHS freshman

Photo by Mackenzie Pinette

    ADRIFT — This photo was taken at Riverside Park in Presque Isle. I made this photo black and white because I thought it added effect to the photo since it the fence is drifting off in the background.





I take in sunshine
I sway golden in the breeze
Gently, side to side

~ Zach Dube
PIHS freshman

Photo by Lorraine Hughes

    COUNTY’S HIDDEN TREASURES — This photo was taken for an assignment directed toward point of focus. In an open field next to a few potato fields, I took this picture. I like this photo because it shows a quality of the County that we all get the experience to see but isn’t always captured to its full potential.





In this sheet of white
We’ve always stood together
You are my best friend

~ Amanda Bagley, PIHS freshman


Photo by Jessica Stepp

    BRIDGE BLANKETED IN SNOW — This picture was taken during the bridges unit in our photography class. I like this picture because it was taken during the winter. I like how it is focused in on a part of the bridge that had snow on it and then the people in the background are unfocused. I also like how there was some snow falling at the same time that the photo was taken.




Clouds play tag above
And mountains loom out of reach
While wheat sways like waves

~ Hannah Bonville
PIHS freshman

Photo by Alyssa Farley
    COUNTY PERSPECTIVE — In photography class, the assignment was Depth of Field. I like how you can see beyond the field with the mountains in the background. I also like this picture because it displays what Aroostook County is all about.





Blue skies and gray trees
Snow-capped mountains jutting up
Panoramic views

~ Katie McKenna, PIHS freshman

Photo by Italia Corriveau

    FRAMED BY NATURE — I like how the tree branches are framing the mountain. I also enjoy the depth in the photograph.





Beautiful sunrise
Reflected in the window
It brightens my day

~ Kayla Girardin, PIHS freshman

Photo by Annie Johnson

    CONTRAST AND REFLECTIONS — I live the afternoon sun and I also love how the sun is reflecting in the windows of the shed. I like the contrasting colors with the dark blue against the white and the reflection of the trees with the buildings in the background. This photo was taken behind the Mark and Emily Turner Memorial Library in Presque Isle.





Gold leaves dance off trees
Fall to a halt near the road
Drift into water

~ Brooke Lovely, PIHS freshman


Photo by Jacob Brawn

    PROMOTING THE CITY — This picture was taken at Riverside Park and was part of an assignment of taking pictures that could be used to advertise Presque Isle.