Rec vacation activities

15 years ago

    Vacation Fun Program will be held on Tuesday, April 20 and Thursday, April 22 from 9 a.m. to1 p.m. at the Houlton Recreation Center.  Children in grades Pre-K through grade 6 are invited to these fun days. On Thursday, McDonalds lunch will be served. Each day will consist of games, contests and crafts.
    Cost for the fun days are $5 per day per child plus McDonalds meal price and the program is limited to 24 children per day. To register, call the recreation department by April16 at 532-1310.
3 on 3 Basketball Tournaments will be held on Wednesday, April 21 at the Houlton Recreation Center. There will be a boys’ tourney and a girls’ tourney with the following age groups; Grades 3-4, grades 5-6 and grades 7-8.  Cost for each team is $5.  Registration is required and the registration deadline is April 16.  To register or for more information, call the rec at 532-1310.