Connor School
The pre-K, kindergarten, first-, second- and third-grade Connor students celebrated the 100th day of school on Monday Feb. 8; we had fun, we shared and we had a great time putting our collections of 100 things that we brought to school down.

Celebrating the 100th day of school included, from left, front row, Elliott Perley, Abbie Caron, Sarah Nouhan, Katrina Salch, Kacie Haney, Chelsea Levesque and Renee Stubbs. Back row: Branden Masse, Jarred Jones, Emma Rossignol, Vincent Gillette, Caragan Haney, Victoria Leavitt and Mrs. Anderson.
At 8:30 a.m., we went down to the gym and we counted to 100. We read a good book after counting to 100 called “The 100th Day of School.” The, we popped 100 balloons in the gym that were blown up by our first-, second-, and third-grade teacher Mrs. Anderson.
One blue balloon didn’t have enough air and it took five or six people to pop! Our friend Branden pushed a balloon against the gym wall and popped it with his foot to make it easier to pop. It was super noisy!
After we popped balloons, we laid out our collections with a partner. We had to wait for a teacher to measure our collections, which were 100 lipsticks, 200 crayons, 100 beads, 100 buttons, 100 pieces of 100-inch string, 100 skittles, 300 marbles, 100 crackers, 100 pieces of sea glass, 100 Bendaroos® that almost took up the whole gym, 200 lollypops, 100 lentils, 100 sea shells, 100 popcorn kernels, 100 quarters, 100 Unifix® cubes, 100 Hot Wheels®, 100 figure animals, 100 hair ties, 100 pennies, 100 paper clips and 100 pencils.
If Sarah untied her string it would have made a spiral on the gym floor! She had the most creative collection.
One collection was 62 feet 3.5 inches long and was made out of pencils brought in by Elliott. The shortest collection was 18 inches long and was made of popcorn kernels brought in by William.
Then we went back to the classroom and made our 100-piece snack of dried pineapple, Chex® and Cheerios® cereal, almonds, apricots, sunflower seeds, raisins, dried cranberries, banana chips and pretzels. Then we ate our SNACK!
We built houses and towers out of 100 Legos® in three or four people groups. The tallest towers were 25 inches tall, built by Sarah, Caragan, Jarred, Renée, Jaedon and Joey. Chelsea, Justin and Alex built the shortest tower. It was 18 inches tall.
At the end of building Lego® towers. All the teachers gave us certificates for participating in the 100th day of school activities.
Some were special certificates for the kids that had the longest, shortest, and most creative collections. Six people got certificates for the biggest Lego® towers.
After we got on the bus to go home, there were only 75 days of school left, at last!
Members of Mrs. Anderson’s class include Kacie Haney, Justin Adams, Elliott Perley, Katrina Salch, Victoria Leavitt, Chelsea Levesque, William St. Pierre, Renée Stubbs, Abbie Caron, Branden Masse, Caragan Haney, Emma Rossignol, Jarred Jones, Kylee Zetterman, Sarah Nouhan and Vincet Gillette.