Caribou Middle School, grade 7
When is the right time to honor our military heroes? When isn’t the right time to honor our military heroes? We should always honor these soldiers, they risk their lives to save ours. They never take a day off from helping us. I would say we should honor them everyday, because right now somewhere, whether it’s on the fields of Iraq or the mountains of Afghanistan, people are fighting for our freedom and it is much appreciated.
Everyone should support these soldiers because they are doing a very dangerous job to protect our country and fight for freedom. Men and women are out there fighting against enemies to help us. On Veteran’s Day we honor all the men and women who have served our country in some part of the military. Remembering those who have served and those who are still serving is important, and it is important to honor them and appreciate everything that they do for us. These soldiers served because they knew it was necessary for the greater good.
Showing support, sending supplies, writing letters and talking to our Military heroes is the best way to honor them and show them that we care for what they are doing. These soldiers fought in World War I, World War II, Korean, Vietnam, Cold War, Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan and much more. The Military heroes traded liberty for our freedom, they gave up their freedom for our safety. Soldiers are very important and they will never be forgotten, they are very brave to be fighting for our freedom and safety to our country.
Soldiers never stop efforts for equality. Some people had to quit school to come fight against another country. We salute our soldiers who fought for us, because their actions today, will never be forgotten.
Jenny Chapman’s essay was selected by the VFW as the district winner. Jenny is a seventh grade student at Caribou Middle School. She was recognized at a dinner at the local VFW and a state dinner held in Waterville.