Grade 4 & 5
We think small schools, like Caswell school, should stay open because a lot of people don’t go to schools like some people here in Caswell. Say somebody came last year, that aren’t used to it untill the next full year; they would have to get used to another new school again and they might not like it. We also think that small schools should stay open because new students can be closer to their friends. If you are closer to your friends you could meet their friends. If you meet their friends you wil have more friends.
The other reason small schools should stay open is because you have a less likely chance to get lice because of the personal time that you get with your teachers. The teachers will be able to see it right on the spot. If you get lice you will have to go home so that no one else will get any lice.
Another reason we think they should keep the small schools open is because it is less likely for the students to get their things lost or switched with other people that have the same things.
The other reason that small schools should stay open is so that the kids of that school can get a better education.
We think they should keep the small schools open because if the kids need help on math or reading or any other subject the teachers in small schools can help you. The teachers in small schools can help you personally with out anyone coming up and interrupting. They can also check stories that we write.
We did a vote in our school to see who likes big schools better or small schools better and here are the results … SMALL SCHOOLS WON!!!