Zippel Elementary School

MELISSA BUCK’S FIFTH-GRADE CLASS at Zippel Elementary School that participated in this year’s Newspapers in Education supplement by designing advertisements for local businesses are, front row, from left: Keith Pelletier, Sarah Morneault, Haley Moro, Colby Ouellette, Edmund Cote, Adam Burns and Logan Michaud. Middle row: Cassandra Burns, Kelsy Cyr, Abigail Shaw, Sarah Berube and Hunter Trask. Back row: Danielle MacBurnie, Megan Russell, Morganne Bragdon, Hunter Haggerty, Mackenzie Whittaker, Kaleb Stitham, Melissa Buck and Austin McNally. Absent when the photo was taken were Zachary Lawrence, Gwenyth Ortman and Caylee Soucy.

CASEY JOHNSON’S FIFTH-GRADE CLASS at Zippel Elementary School that worked on advertisements for this year’s Newspapers in Education supplement are, front row, from left: Wyatt Kennedy, Judah Olugbemi, Tifini Lee, Makayla Butler, Daisey Hatcher, Madison Fournier, Ryan Cochran and Austin Bouchard. Back row: David Kofstad, Cayla McCleary, Harley Curtis, Elise Guerrette, Casey Lovely, Page Kidney, Joshua Greene, Jacob O’Berry, Marianne Lafland, Jon Henderson, Alex Jordan and Andrew Kirk. Absent when the photo was taken was Emma Curtis.

CHERYL MARTIN’S FIFTH-GRADE CLASS at Zippel Elementary School who participated in this year’s Newspapers in Education supplement are, front row, from left: Alexis Sinclair, Brennan Blackstone, Josiah Morse, Justin Landry and Kyle Morris. Second row: Emily Morrow, Emily Lagerstrom, Gavin Kelley, Issac Devine and Nichole Sharp. Third row: Sydney Fox, Marcus Ouellette, Coral Meunier, Alex Brewer and Jacob Kinney. Back row: R-Jay Jackson, Faith Leavitt, Ian Tuttle, Craig Schiff, Alexis Simpson, Amy Seeley and Marya Michaud. Absent when the photo was taken was Emma Beaulieu.

ROBIN NORSWORTHY’S FIFTH-GRADE CLASS at Zippel Elementary School was one of several classes in the region that participated in The Star-Herald’s annual Newspapers in Education supplement. Creating advertisements for local businesses were, front row, from left: Mackala Pineau, Cali Quirion, Heather Kirk, Sierha Boyce and Carter Doherty. Middle row: Izabelle Burtt, Faith Morrow, Denny Young, Grant Bridges, John Saucier, Devin Lamoreau, Meg Gagnon and Destiny Saucier. Back row: Mackenzie Rhyno, Nick Bartlett, Hunter York, Bradley Kinney, Emma O’Connell, Evan Leach, Marissa Sloan and Issac Demerchant. Absent when the photo was taken was Hunter Flynn.

JENNIFER YORK’S FIFTH-GRADE CLASS at Zippel Elementary School that took part in the 2010 Newspapers in Education project by designing advertisements for area businesses are, front row, from left: Khasen Lowe, Ethan Clark, Justine Labier, Jenna Perkins, Alexis Bell and Connor Hebert. Middle row: Skyler McAtee, Calli Ambrose, Alyvia Elkins, Alaina Sweetser, Brenyn Johnson, Kaleb Cyr, Victoria Williamson and Emily Simonds. Back row: Grant Stewart, Patrick Cash, Isabella Weiland, Drew Henderson, Kasey Butler and Kamden Bates. Absent when the photo was taken were Lydia Patterson, Hannah Chalou and Leigh Buck.

MADISON FOURNIER, a fifth-grader in Casey Johnson’s class at Zippel Elementary School, focuses on her work while creating an advertisement for this year’s special NIE section.

WYATT KENNEDY, left, and Andrew Kirk, fifth-graders in Casey Johnson’s class at Zippel Elementary School, use a ruler to help make a straight line while designing their Newspapers in Education advertisement for a local business.

PUTTING HER ARTISITC ABILITIES to good use is Casey Lovely, a fifth-grader at Zippel Elementary School. She is one of the many fifth-graders in the region who created an advertisement for this year’s Newspapers in Education supplement. Her teacher is Casey Johnson.

IT SHOULD GO HERE – Makayla Butler gives her partner, Jon Henderson, some instruction as they work on creating an advertisement for an area business that’s part of this year’s NIE feature. The students are fifth-graders in Casey Johnson’s class at Zippel Elementary School.

SMILE FOR THE CAMERA – Clockwise, from left, are Emma Beaulieu, Brennan Blackstone, Jacob Kinney and Sydney Fox, fifth-graders in Cheryl Martin’s class at Zippel Elementary School. The students worked in pairs to draw their own advertisement for area businesses as part of this year’s NIE section.

ALYVIA ELKINS shows off her finished product – an advertisement for Tompkins Plumbing and Heating – that she created for the 2010 Newspapers in Education supplement.

DESIGNING DIVAS – From left, Harley Curtis, Daisey Hatcher and Elise Guerrette, fifth-graders in Casey Johnson’s class at Zippel Elementary School, were among the dozens of students that participated in The Star-Herald’s annual Newspapers in Education supplement.

AUSTIN BOUCHARD, left, and David Kofstad, fifth-graders in Casey Johnson’s class at Zippel Elementary School, teamed up to design an advertisement for this year’s NIE section. The boys worked on an ad for Kofstad Agency, which is owned by David’s father, Ron.