Credit workshop offered

14 years ago

Credit workshop offered

    PRESQUE ISLE — Feel stuck in the credit card trap? Learn how to read your credit report, understand your credit score and gain control of your finances. Keep current with shifts in the credit card and lending industry with Credit Yourself: Your Way to Financial Fitness. This is one way to face your credit situation, create a plan and set goals to improve your credit score. Before starting a business, get your credit house in order. 

     The training includes two three-hour classes on Wednesday, May 19 and Wednesday, May 26, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Northern Maine Community College in Presque Isle. If you successfully complete both classes and make a financial plan, you will be eligible to apply for a $250 grant to help meet your financial goals. Ten grants will be awarded statewide.
     Class topics include: using credit wisely, setting up a spending plan, understanding your credit report, addressing issues to restore your credit, understanding your credit rating and how it affects your life, learning how to maintain good credit and prioritizing your financial goals. 
    Co-facilitator Erica Quin-Easter of Women, Work, and Community noted, “In this economic climate, it is more important than ever to have good credit. Whether you want to start your own business, purchase a home or build assets and get out of debt, being credit-savvy and having a strong credit score puts you in a better position all around.”
     There is no cost for the class, and pre-registration is required. To register, call 764-0050 or e-mail Men, women and couples are welcome to attend. Credit Yourself is sponsored by KeyBank.