Legion plans baked bean supper

14 years ago

Legion plans baked bean supper

by Tomi Henderson

    The Mars Hill American Legion is having a Baked Bean Supper and Bake Sale on Friday, May 21, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the music room of Central Aroostook High School. The cost for the supper is $6, with children age 6 and under free. The meal includes home-baked beans, salads and desserts. 

Rotary Club

    The Mars Hill Rotary Club met on May 4 at 6:30 a.m. at the Aroostook Health Center. Members discussed the successful Health Fair held on May 1, in conjunction with The Aroostook Medical Center. Over 200 people attended the event and were able to gather information from various booths, have their blood pressure and cholesterol checked and sign up for several door prizes.
    The special speaker was Alexei Sotskov, the Nordic combined ski coach at UMPI. Originally from St. Petersburg, Russia, he has competed in many World Cup events.  This past February, he was able to attend the Vancouver Olympic games as the coach for New Zealand. He spent two and a half weeks in Vancouver and Whistler. The coaches were all treated very well and  were pleased to be asked for their input at the coaches’ meeting on how to make these Olympic games the best they could be.
    The competitors and coaches had to go through the levels of security to enter  the Olympic village, which was where all the Olympians stayed. There was a cafeteria open 24 hours, with many choices to pick from. Many companies support the games, although each athlete wore clothing that only had the Olympic rings on them — no company logos were in sight. 
    While both the cafeteria and hospital were set up in large tents, many of the housing and venue sites will be donated to the local communities following the games. The local citizens donate many hours of volunteer time to the games and benefit from the exposure for their community.
    The Olympic games is unique in that most people show support for all the athletes, no matter where they are from. Alexei was very proud to be a part of the games, which promote all the athletes and competition.

Golden Age Club

    The Golden Age Club met on Tuesday, April 27, at Wicklow Place in Bridgewater. Several members were present to enjoy a potluck dinner. Don Cadrette asked the blessing and led in the flag salute. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
    The next regular meeting will be held on May 25.

Senior citizens

    The Mars Hill, Blaine and Westfield Senior Citizens met at the Mars Hill Snowmobile Club on Wednesday, May 5, at 11 a.m. for a potluck dinner. There were 15 members present. 
    President Gwen McEntee opened the meeting. Don Cadrette asked the blessing and gave the invocation.
    Following the flag salute, members sang “God Bless America.” The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
    The next meeting will be on May 19, with soup, sandwiches and sweets on the menu. Cara Miller will be the special speaker. She will discuss foot massage and care.
    Members are also invited to attend the Northern Maine Council on Aging meeting on May 17 in Ashland.

Historical Association

    The Bridgewater Historical Association meets the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the BHA hall on Main Street in Bridgewater. For more information contact Jann Votaw at 425-7901.


Photos courtesy of Tomi Henderson



    Gordon and Sue Anderson were recognized at the Mars Hill American Legion meeting on May 6 with a Blue Star Banner for having a family member serving overseas. Their son, PFC Daniel A. Anderson, is serving as a medic in Iraq. Pictured, from left: American Legion member Ronnie Gallup; Sue, holding a picture of Daniel, and Gordon.





    Judy, Tanya and Richard Trecartin were recognized at the Mars Hill American Legion meeting on May 6 with a Blue Star Banner for having a family member serving overseas. CW04 Joey Trecartin is currently serving in Afghanistan. Pictured, from left: American Legion member Ronnie Gallop; Judy, Tanya and Richard Trecartin.





    CAHS VARSITY SKI Team members were recognized at the Sports Awards on March 26. Pictured with Coach Dennis Larrabee are, from left: Ethan Stiles, Shane Miller and Caleb Jewett. Shane "Duct Tape" Miller was named MVP and Caleb Jewett received the Coach’s Award. The ski program would like to thank Scott Adelman and the Adelman family for their donation of ski-racing equipment to the team.





    CAHS VARSITY BOYS’ Soccer Team seniors were recognized at the Sports Awards on March 26. Pictured with Coach Wallace Endy, from left, are: Jeff Devoe, Carter Grass, Casey Brewer, Logan Thomas and Garrett Stiles. Stiles and Thomas were named MVPs; Casey Brewer and younger brother Daniel received the Coach’s Award; and team member Tyler Rusby was named Most Improved.





    SENIORS ON THE CAHS Varsity Girls Soccer Team were recognized by Coach Dave Collins and Assistant Coach Arlie Wiggins at the Sports Awards on March 26. Pictured with the coaches are, from left: Rachel Donovan; Sarah Michaud; Ashley Estabrook; and Brittni Mosher, who received the MVP award. Team member Whitney Klein, not pictured, received the Most Improved Award. 





    SENIOR MEMBERS of the CAHS Varsity Boys’ Basketball Team were recognized at the Sports Awards on March 26. Pictured with Coach Tim Brewer are, from left: Casey Brewer, Carter Grass, Garrett Stiles, Mitch Folsom and Manager Tim Lawrence.





    SQUAD RECOGNIZED — Senior members of the CAHS Varsity Cheerleading Squad were recognized at the Sports Awards on March 26. Pictured with Coach Sami Allen and Assistant Coach Janice Mosher are, from left: Sara Michaud, Brittni Mosher and Rachel Donovan. These seniors have been part of the cheering teams that have won three state titles, making a total of eight for the school.





    GOLFERS HONORED — Seniors on the CAHS Varsity Golf Team were recognized by Coach Adam Metzler at the Sports Awards on March 26. Pictured at left, from left: Will Delong, Metzler and Tim Lawrence. Absent when the photo was taken was Abram Brewer. 





    SENIORS ON THE CAHS VARSITY Girls’ Basketball Team were recognized by Coach Rod Codrey at the Sports Awards on March 26. Pictured at left, from left: Chelsea Hartin, Codrey and Brianna Hartin. Both girls were named to the McDonald's All Academic Team.


    Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail tomihen@yahoo.com.