Woodland and New Sweden students benefit from MCF and Perloff grants

14 years ago
By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

    Students in Woodland recently were able to benefit from the support provided by the Fast Track Grant program of the Maine Community Foundation. The Woodland Elementary School received a  $1,100 grant from the Perloff Family  Foundation to purchase 29 pairs of L.L. Bean Winter Kids snowshoes which outfitted students in grades one through four.

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    Grade three students at the Woodland Elementary School discover their musical talents on Orff instruments purchased through a recent Perloff Family grant. From left are: Ghent Durepo, Shelby Johnson, Brant Trombley, Hollie McDougal and Zakkary Tracy.

    In addition to the existing cross-country ski program in the school’s physical education curriculum, snowshoeing added to the outdoor winter classes.
     Students were also allowed to use the snowshoes during an after-school ski program when trail conditions were not acceptable for skiing. For the students who did not own a pair of snowshoes, these were available for use.
    The Perloff Family Foundation also granted the Union schools (New Sweden and Woodland) with funds in the amount of $2,895 to purchase archery equipment and implementing the unit into the PE program for grades 5-8. Staff and volunteers were trained through NASP (National Archery in Schools Program) prior to teaching the archery unit.
    Through another Perloff Foundation grant of $3,000, the Union 122 schools were able to purchase Orff instruments for their music program. These instruments are currently used in both school music programs.

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    Learning the sport of archery, implemented in the physical education classes at the Woodland School through a grant from the Maine Community Foundation and the Perloff Family grant are, from left: Sydney Dube, Kristen Sarmiento and Meghan Cole.




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    Orff instrumentalists in grade one at the Woodland Elementary School are, from left: Brooke Moir, Dylan Todd, Alexis Parker and Keith Bray.





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    Carson Doody, a Woodland Elementary School student, learns the proper stance in a recent archery class made possible for the School Union 122 schools through  the Maine Community Foundation and a Perloff Family grant.  Students in both Woodland and New Sweden  Schools gained benefits from recent grants funds. 





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    Woodland snow-shoers, from left are, Carter Moir, Scott Bray, Cameron Doody, Lane Moir, Braeden Thibodeau, Brandon Manter, Luke Rider, Travis Gillian and Caleb Trombley.