Island Falls Seniors meet
The Island Falls Senior Citizens met on May 6, for a potluck luncheon at the municipal building.
After the Lord’s Prayer and flag salute, the meeting was called to order by the president, Terry Dwyer.
Secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
Steve Farnham, from the Aroostook Agency on Aging, gave a very informative presentation on the new Medicare health plan.
The “game” was played and enjoyed by all.
Next meeting will be on May 20th. Tom Clarke will entertain.
Those attending were Jeanne Clements, Jim and Shirley D’Angelo, Ursula Levesque, Gladys Ferguson, Verna MacArthur, Marjorie Nicholson, Helen Sherman, Joyce Manship, Donna Furrow, Tom and Heidi Clarke, Ellie Peck, Mary Lawler, Edward Dwyer, Roberta Johnson, Mary Pipes, Gladys Corneil, Terry Dwyer, Theodore Sherman, Edith Dwyer, Pastor Ben Greene, guest, Steve Farnham, Agency on Aging guest and Gloria Noyes.
Katahdin Club gathers
On May 12th, the Katahdin Club of Island Falls met at Gloria Willigar’s home for the annual business meeting and luncheon at noon. Gloria and Nora Willigar served as co-hostesses.
Laura Bomba gave the table grace before luncheon was served.
The business meeting was opened with the secretary and treasurer reports being read. Both were approved. Election of officers was conducted and voted on. Elected were Laura Bomba, president; Mary N. Moore, vice-president; Gloria Willigar, secretary and Michelle King, treasurer.
A card was sent to Clara Hathaway.
Members present were Lee Brewer, Rachael Daniels, Gayleen Leavitt, Doris Lynch, Helena Porter, Mary Joy, Michelle King, Edna Schmidt, Patt Coolong, Mary N. Moore, Leithea Porter, Gloria and Nora Willigar and Laura Bomba.
Historical News
by Jann Bonkowski Votaw
First, the Bridgewater Historical Association would like to congratulate our pageant winners, Little Miss Bridgewater, Breann Bradbury, Junior Miss Bridgewater, Gwen Parsons, and Miss Bridgewater, Lauren Antworth. Congratulations also goes out to Whitney Klein, Miss Teen Mars Hill. The BHA was proud to once again be the home for the Bridgewater pageants. Everyone did a fine job.
We plan to have a busy season this year. We will begin our Thursday Night Live Music by “Outside In” on May 20th. Music will be from 6-9 PM. Come on down and have a good time.
During the month of June we will be having a yard sale on Saturdays. If you would like to donate items to the BHA for the sale, or rent a table, please contact: Gloria McCleary 425-6941 or Stephanie Willette 429-9309
Table rentals are $20.00 per day. On the donations, please no clothing or electronics. Thank you.
Oakfield Seniors meet
The Oakfield Senior Citizens held their meeting on May 6 at the Oakfield Snowmobile Club. We had 20 members and one guest. Our president Bob Locke led us in the Lord’s Prayer and the flag salute. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted. The card report was also reported.
We were told the R.S.V.P. banquet was to be held at the Baptist Church in Island Falls on May 12. Our next meeting will be held on May 19. Please join us. We will have a speaker on Medicare. Attending were Tessie Barrett, David Burpee, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Alma Clark, Thelma Flowers, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Sandra and Wendell Holmes, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Don and Charlotte Marley, Larry and Peggy Sanders, Katherine Boutlier, Pete Peters and our guest Hazel Beers.
Patten Seniors celebrate
Patten Senior Citizens celebrated Spring by eating out at Brookside on May 4th with 14 members present.
Cards were signed and sent to Norma Tripp, Barbara Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Spencer.
Members were reminded that the RSVP Recognition Dinner will be held at the Island Falls Baptist Church on May 12th.
Steve Farnham from the Aroostook Agency on Aging will give a presentation on Health Care Reform at the May 19th meeting.
Members present were Rubenia Botting, Maxine Brackett, Mary Cox, Marge Heath, Dot Binnette, Pearl Grant, Mabel Winship, Joyce Hunter, Gloria Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Mary Lawler, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey and Annette Noyes.
Purple Hat Soceity
by Lois Downing
The Purple Hat Society met at Grammy’s Country Inn in Linneus on Tuesday, May 11 for its monthly meeting.
Fifteen ladies attended with leader Charlotte Marley present and welcomed everyone. Jackie Colella from Cary attended for her first time.
Lois Downing said the blessing before the meal.
After the meal we all gave our Purple Hat names. It started with the first initial of each name. A discussion was held on the location of our next meeting. Also discussed was a picnic for the summer. Both subjects will be announced.
Charlotte Marley and Cindy Gray had readings as did Irene Gillotti. Most readings were humorous. Charlotte asked for the jobs that mothers do — some were cook, bookkeeper, sewer worker, lawn mower, gardener, housekeeper, etc.
Charlotte passed around little verses about mothers and each lady read aloud her verse.
Present were: from Cary, Jackie Colella; from Houlton, Paula Wyman, Lois Downing and Bessie Wyman; from Oakfield, Delores Locke, Evelyn Burpee and Sandra Holmes.
Also attending: from Island Falls, Mildred Gagnon; from Dyer Brook, Wannetta Townsend and Marie Gillotti; from Morrill, Arlene Friel; from Hodgdon, Brenda Lacostic; from Smyrna, Cindy Gray, Peggy Sanders and Charlotte Marley.
If you wish more information on the society, please call any of the above ladies or contact Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
The next meeting date will be June 8. Please look in the Pioneer Times for its location.
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly #ME 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, May 14 meeting. Twenty-three ladies attended; five of these were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
Joyce Estey, leader, was present, to conduct the meeting. Elinor Harvey was the official greeter. A report on weight was given by Jackie Reinzo. Linda Bartlett led the group in exercises; it was Hokey Pokey. For this meeting and future meetings, we had a different seating arrangement.
Loser of the week was Janette Nelson. The skinny dish was taken home by Joyce. Denise Kinney, weight recorder, gave a report on the Umbrella contest and said it has two more weeks to run. So far, she said, it is very close. Joyce appointed a committee of three to go over the bylaws: Linda Bartlett, Charlotte Marley and another member.
Linda Bartlett spoke on the Bangor reservations for SRD coming up next week. Dale Holden provided the weekly program. Hers was taken from the book Prime Time: Health by William Sears, M.D. She quoted the serenity prayer: ‘’God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Her quotes were also: who is least likely to get cancer: nonsmokers, vegetable eaters, seafood eaters, lean folks, exercisers, optimists; 16 ways to prevent cancer: some are: don’t smoke, drink “smooties”, eat fruits and vegetables, eat fewer animal-based foods, spice up your diet; also destress. It is necessary to pray and mediate to sleep well, laugh often and have preventive cancer screeings, and peace of mind.
The next meeting will be May 21 at the same location. Weigh-in is 8-8:45; the meeting starts at 9 o’clock and usually ends an hour later. If you need more information about the chapter, you may contact Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Everyone is welcome.
Island Falls news
Gail(Webb) Davis has recently been in Maine to attend the graduation of her niece, Bethany Gould, form the University of Maine in Orono. Whi8le here she drove up to Island Falls to visit with brother, Roger, and also her mother, Gertrude Webb, who resides in Patten. She has since returned home to South Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin have been in Auburn recently to visit with Richard,s aunt, Mrs. Marie Banton, who has moved from Florida to Maine recently.
On Mother’s Day Clayton and Charlene Webb, son, Dale, and Mr. Frank Pasinski and Delores Britney, enjoyed a dinner at Trail’s End restaurent at Birch Point. Mr. Pasinske and Delores Britney are friends from Wallingford, Conn.
I am still feeding a few birds that have been arriving every day and still have the large gray squirrel that dangles upside down hanging on for dear life by his toes, to get at the sunflower seeds. Also have quite a few big black birds that arrive every evening to feed on whatever they find in my back yard.
A few days ago saw two deer way down back and guess they are still in the neighbor hood but not very active.
Had a lot of feathers under one feeder lately and quess the stray cat got it. Think it was a pigeon, though, as there were many feathers and the right color.