Edwin Nickerson made the world a better place
To the editor:
When Ed passed on, I felt this extreme need to make his name fly high as a reminder that one person can make a difference. I didn’t send in what I had written to The Star-Herald; I just filed it away. When Ed was laid to rest May 17, I stood there at his resting place in the cemetery and realized what I had felt and wanted to say when he died should be said.
Ed served his country with dignity; he put his life on the line for us. He was a devoted husband, father, grandfather and friend. Along with his job, he always found time to join another worthwhile organization or group, and then take a very responsible job helping to build up Loring as a place to create jobs for Aroostook County … the list grows.
While doing all that, he managed to be there for his kids as they grew up, instilling in them with his actions, his words, and by giving them his support so they too could have a better life.
Ed felt there was a need to improve his hometown — to give back — he worked as a councilman, and he went on to lead the Presque Isle Council as chairman. Most of us would not want this job but Ed saw a need … He saw he had to stand up again for his homeland, his town. All that he did has had an effect on me and each and every one of us. We never thought about all the time he gave in these efforts and still always had time for his family. We were home comfortable … while Ed worked for us.
Ed’s memory will always inspire me. We can learn from what he cared about, what he stood for and what he worked to bring about. His strong determination, his constant involvements in so many areas. He worked hard to bring jobs to Aroostook County. All of his efforts to make his hometown and Aroostook a better place will never be forgotten. He made sure it was a better place for his family and for us all.
Sue, I want you and your family to know how very grateful I am for all he did and for all the times he stood up and made it known, “This is not what we want for our children.”
Ed left his mark on all of us by showing us to never give up, no matter how you feel or look. His humor, his laugh, his smile… his shock of white hair… his determination, his love of our country, and the places he called home… will never disappear. Why? As he stood up for what he believed was right, Ed managed without us even realizing it, to instill in all of us that we have a better place to live.
We all have to keep remembering what we don’t want for our children. Thank you Sue for standing at Ed’s side, letting him continue his work even though you knew it was hard for him, and then sharing him with us all.