ATV club discusses summer maintenance and activities

15 years ago

ATV club discusses

summer maintenance and activities


by Christie Cochran

  The Washburn Beavers ATV Club recently met at their clubhouse on Gould Street, and they opened with a delicious potluck supper.
  Included in the agenda was discussion about work needing to be done on the trail bridges by Porter’s potato house and the two on the Aroostook River. 

  Also discussed was a fund-raising Bingo night to assist a local woman who is ill.
    The group also decided to look into a kayak/canoe race during the upcoming August Festival on Sunday, Aug. 22. This event may also include the raffling off of a kayak.
  The next scheduled meeting of the club will be held on Tuesday, June 2, at 6:30 p.m. at the Gould Street clubhouse. The group is also planning a hotdog roast on Sunday, June 6, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Salmon Brook Lake.
  Notes and news for the ATV club may be seen on Facebook. New members are always welcome, and all who join the Washburn club will be eligible to ride on Irving land.

Historical Society supper

  The Salmon Brook Historical Society will be holding their quarterly meeting on Thursday, June 24, at the Washburn Civic Center. The potluck supper will be served at 5:30 p.m., with a business meeting to follow. Entertainment will follow and is provided by “The King” Elvis impersonator, Quentin Warren.
     Please bring a main dish or dessert and a place setting. New members are always welcome to attend.

WDHS graduation events

  Baccalaureate Service is at the WDHS gym on Sunday, June 6, starting at 7 p.m. Last Chapel is on Friday, June 11, at 1 p.m. and graduation will be held starting at 7 p.m. Both events will be also at the high school gym.
  Several member of the Senior Class will be heading south for some swimming and tanning at Old Orchard Beach, overnight at Portland then further south to Boston for excitement at Six Flags amusement park. This trip is the result of the planning and various fund-raising events held for Project Graduation.

Rec Center lunch

     Nineteen senior ladies, along with Rec Director Marcie Barbarula, enjoyed a wide array of delicious cooking at a potluck lunch held at the Rec Center on Thursday, May 13. The buffet included everything from casseroles, salads, pickles, chips and dips, to cakes, fruit dishes and desserts.
     They were visited by a representative from TAMC, Darcy Kinney, who explained a special six-week program available to the ladies. It includes lots of information and advice along with special dietary notes. She also gave them handout flyers and noted that if the group was interested in the program, she would be glad to hold it at the Washburn Rec Center.
     Those attending included: Wilda Goodall, Drucilla Turner, Sylvia Wardwell, Barb Churchill, Marion Turner, Margaret Barker, Charlene Maynard, Jeanne Adams, Falicia Rossignol, Evelyn Woodman, Bern Rossignol, Lorraine Harrison, Audrey Pavlick, Gwen Bragg, Arlene Cole, Eunice Carman, Norma Baker, Anita Tarr and Glenna Ewing.


  The next meeting of the Washburn Town Council will be held on Monday, June 14, at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center. All interested residents are urged to attend.


  Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Athena Sargent, Sylvia Wardwell, Louise Cole Casey Rossignol, Lucas Tarbox, Devin Grant, Tyler Belk, Gil Berube, Ryan Huston, Tyler Belk, Frieda Thibodeau, Tina White, Brad Corey, Drucilla Turner, Laura Brown, Angela Casavant, Beth Maynard, Dion Creasey, Kayla Creasey, Brennan Blackstone, Monika Doughman, Mark Skidgel, Mike Glasscock, Dusty Glasscock, Zsa Zsa Simard, Vicki Conley, Britteny Clark, Josh Wain, Phillip Helton and Tricia Silver.
     Special anniversary wishes go out to: David and Tammi Easler, Harold and Virginia Whitney, Andrew and Becky Thompson and Terry and Suzanne Berube.

TOPS elects officers

     TOPS (Take off Pound Sensibly) recently held their installation of new officers for the 2010 year. A program was provided by Kathi Plant. The new officers include: Leader Birdena Cochran, Co-leader Patsy Delong, Secretary Nancy Beaver, Treasurer Mary Jane Johnson, Weight Recorder Nada Theriault and Assistant Weight Recorder Carol Hodde.
  Awards were also given out during the event as follows: Kathi Plante, program director for 2009; 2009 winners for Division 4 were Cheryl Cray, Mary Jane Johnson and Dorothy Sperrey. Division 3 winners included Birdena Cochran, Noreen McIntosh and Linda Seward. Patsy Delong was Chapter Queen for 2009 and Linda Seward was Queen runner-up for 2009.
     Those recognized for perfect attendance during 2009 were: Patsy Delong, Nada Theriault, Cheryl Cray, Mary Jane Johnson, Carolyn Turner and Birdina Cochran. The special Sunshine Award went to Nancy Beaver, the Public Relations Award went to Linda Seward and the Photographer Award went to Noreen McIntosh.
  Patsy Delong reported the statistics for March and noted that this chapter had a loss of 43.75 pounds and a gain of 5.50 pounds for a net loss for the month of 38.23 pounds. The three top losers of the month of March were George Seward of Division 2, Sylvia Bridgham of Division 5 and Terry Winger for Division 4.



Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran

    TOPS’ NEW OFFICERS for 2010 include, from left: Leader Birdena Cochran, Co-leader Patsy Delong, Secretary Nancy Beaver, Treasurer Mary Jane Johnson and Weight Recorder Nada Theriault. Absent from photo is Assistant Weight Recorder Carol Hodde. 




Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran

     TOPS AWARDS were given out during the recent installation of the 2010 officers in Washburn. Pictured, from left, in front: Kathi Plante; Birdena Cochran; Patsy Delong, Chapter Queen for 2009; Dorothy Sperrey; and Carolyn Turner. In back, from left: Cheryl Cray; Linda Seward, Queen runner-up for 2009; Nada Theriault; Mary Jane Johnson; and Nancy Beaver.


Rec Center schedule

  Registration for the Rec Center summer programs will be held at the Rec Center: Wednesday, May 26, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Thursday, May 27, from 6 to 7:30 p.m.; and on Friday, May 28, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Anyone not able to make any of these dates and times, contact Marcie at the Rec Center at 455-4959 to arrange for an available time.
  The senior exercise program at Caribou Wellness Center will be held on Wednesday, May 26. The van will leave the Rec Center at 9 a.m. and return at 11 a.m. 


    Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or