Community Notebook

15 years ago

Dyer Brook News
Bill Wyman was the guest of honor recently at a surprise birthday supper hosted by his wife, Sandi. Those attending were Barry Higgins, Vernon McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Crane, and Miss Wannetta Townsend.
On May 29, Mrs. Gail Berry and Mrs. Angela McArdle and Emily, of Ashland, were called on by her sister and their aunt and great aunt, Miss Wannetta Townsend.
On Wednesday, June 2, Ms. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki Haulers Snow Club in Oakfield.
On Wednesday, June 16, Mrs. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki Haulers Snow Club in Oakfield.
Toni, Marie and Danny Gillotti of Hodgdon were weekend guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gillotti.
Mr. and Mrs. Darin Crane, Sidney and Matthew of Hodgdon, were Father’s Day dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Crane.
On Tuesday, June 8, Mrs. Sandi Wyman, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, and Miss Wannetta Townsend, along with other Purple Hat Ladies’ Society members had lunch at the Shamrock Restaurant in Houlton.
Matthew Crane of Hodgdon, was a recent Thursday overnight guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Crane.
Mrs. Laura Price of Spring City, Penn., was a weekend guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sprague.

Patten Seniors congregate
by Mary Lawler
Patten Sr. Citizens held its regular meeting at Meadowbrook Manor on June 15 with 11 members and 2 guests present.
After the potluck meal, President Annette Noyes opened the business meeting with members reciting the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute in unison.
Secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted.
Cards were signed and sent to Bent Cullen, Jerry Cullen, Laura Mitchell and to Kathy Lafelche.
Several readings were done by Rubenia Botting.
BEANO was played after the meeting.
The next meeting will be on July 5. The Game will be played.
Members present: Rubenia Botting, Gloria Noyes, Mary Lawler, Joyce Harvey, Jackie Palmer, Nettie Shorey, Annette Noyes, Marilyn Somers, Marge Heath, Mary Cox, and Pearl Grant. Guests were: Gini Garrett, RSVP Coordinator, and Connie Berry.

Sherman Seniors meet
The Senior Citizen’s Club of the Sherman area met at the Sherman gym for a special ham dinner that was prepared by Annie Atkinson. The dinner was served at noon and followed by a presentation of information by Steve Farnham of the Agency on Aging, from Presque Isle, on the new changes that will take place in Medicare.
Thanks go for the efforts of Annie and Steve of this special meeting that took place on June 16 at the Sherman gym. Eleven people benefited by enjoying the delicious meal and from the important health care presentation.
Guests present were the daughter and husband of Terese Albert from Florida; Kerry and Bonnie Stratton; and the speaker, Steve Farnham, from Presque Isle Agency on Aging office. Mary Lawler was present, who had been absent for several months, and was welcomed to be among us again. The regulars present were: Fred and Annie Atkinson, Richard and Margorie Hall, Linniea Perry, Eva Perry, Donna Grass, Bonita Staples, and Terese Albert.

Tops ME 0223 Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its July 2 meeting. Fourteen members were weighed; 13 stayed for the meeting and three were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
Loser of the week was Brenda Lacostic with Aileen Smith and Lois Downing as runners-up. Brenda also took home the skinny dish. Barbara Hogan talked about the contest she is conducting. She told us we need to picture us as headlines in the paper. Charlotte Marley gave lessons on the new printer.
Janette Nelson gave a monthly treasurer’s report. Joyce Estey, leader, conducted a short meeting. We spent the reminder of it reviewing the bylaws and each one present read some part of it. Changes were made as necessary.
The next meeting will be July 9. Weigh-in is at 8-8:45 a.m. every Friday with the meeting beginning at 9. The meeting usually ends an hour later. If you have questions on the chapter, you may call on Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Everyone is welcome.

Happy Losers gather
By Shirley Sides
The Happy Losers held their weekly meeting on June 30 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Our leader opened the meeting with our pledge and roll call. We had 12 ladies weigh-in and attended our class.
Lois Green was the loser of the week and Jackie Pratt, Annie Jane Smith were runners-up. Great job ladies! Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. The Cherry Blossoms were the winner in our contest.
We welcomed Marion Burton for the summer months from California. Riva Hawkes led the program for the week. Her topic was an article from the Prevention magazine. Meetings are always interesting and informative. Please feel welcome to our group every Wed. 8 to 8:45am weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.