You have to love summer

15 years ago

You have to love summer

To the editor:
    Plants sweat. These lovely green things that hang out around the house and fields sweat. As huge as the antiperspirant industry is, there is not enough Sure or Old Spice to cover every plant out there. When its hot plants are going to sweat. 

    We learned this in Mr. Lord’s biology class so long ago. The sun comes up and warms the plants. Following a proper exercise regime, the plants take up lots of water. You can see the trees doing their stretching exercises in the wind, All that waving as the plants try to lay off the pounds!
    I mention this because it is hot here in Sun Chang. The average temperature for the past few days has been in the 90s. Air conditioning is available but for the schools, there is a difference. The costs of operating the school are born by the government. In an effort to keep utility costs low, government buildings are not allowed to set their thermostats below 72 degrees. Because of this, the use of open windows is at an all-time high. Air conditioners do come on and my students are adept at closing all the windows and doors while the cool air is coming out. In under 20 seconds the windows are shut and the students are soaking up the cool air.
    We finished our regular school year and next week begins our summer session. Being in a school in the summer time you can appreciate plant sweat. Your best friend becomes a fan. You still see the hand fans through out the room. Advertisers give away the half moon fans with logos and slogans. And of course, the foldable fan is tucked in the back pocket. A lot like the switchblade combs that were popular in schools long ago. Stand at the intersection, whip out the fan, and cool down.
    The plants continue to sweat, You have to love summer.

Orpheus Allison
Sun Chang, South Korea