Each Tuesday evening there will be Minor League Baseball practice and each Thursday evening there will be Minor League games for ages 7-9.
Each Monday and Wednesday evenings there will be Major League Baseball for ages 10-12. Games will be played against other little league teams in the surrounding communities.
Junior softball for ages 9-12 will be played on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and practices will be on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The team will play both home and away games against other communities.
Every Tuesday and Thursday, there will be soccer held at the mini soccer field. Grades K-2 play from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m., grades 3-4 play from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and grades 5-8 take to the field from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
On Mondays and Wednesdays, there will be basketball at the elementary school gym with grades K-2 playing from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m., grades 3-4 playing from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and grades 5-8 take the court from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Pony League baseball for ages 13-16 will be played each Monday and Wednesday afternoons in Presque Isle and Washburn will be combining with Ashland to make a team.
The “Summer Free Breakfast and Lunch Program” is currently ongoing Mondays through Thursdays, with breakfast served from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and lunches served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The meals will be served at the elementary school cafeteria.
On Thursday, July 22, there will be arts and crafts held at the Rec Center. Grades 5-8 will create their works of art from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and grades K-4 will learn new skills from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
The field trip for Friday, July 23, will be held at Portage Lake for a fun day of swimming. The van leaves the Rec Center at 10 a.m. and will be returning at 3 p.m. There will be a limit of 12, with the first to sign up going, and the trip is for students in grades 3 and up, with all participants needing to know how to swim. Be sure and bring bathing suits, towels, sunscreen and any beach-related toys. Lunch will be provided.
On Tuesday, July 27, there will be cooking classes held at the Rec Center. Grades 5-8 meet from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and grades 2-4 will make their tasty treats from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
A special belated birthday wish goes out to Jessie Dee. Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Parker Sawyer, Lila McCrum, Andy Turner, Mike Farley, Chris Tuttle, Nicole Pinette, David Boyce, Ruby Sands, Sara Regan, Parker Thompson, Dylan Conley, Bernhard Aegerter, Carroll Bragg II, Michelle Jordan, Heidi Silver, Mary LeConey, Gertrude Howard, Madelyn Johnston, Kevin Woodbrey, Dorothy Sperrey, Paul Bither, Gilda Howlett, Makenzie Vaughn, Margo McIntosh, Kaleb Dahlgren, Virginia White, Mike Tarbox, Ruth White, Matthew White, Natalie Thomas and Rick Landeen.
Anniversary wishes go out to: Stephen and Mia Pangburn, Lucky and Tammie Bragg, Andy and Donna Turner, Alan and Cheryl Flanagin and Troy and Nicki McCrum.7
The Washburn Town Council held their regular meeting on Monday, July 12, at the Civic Center at 7 p.m. The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Council approved the minutes from the June 14 meeting and reviewed the financial figures through June 30, 2010. It was noted that all municipal departments were within their respective budgets.
Also included in the meeting was a review of a request from the August Festival Committee regarding street closures. The Council approved closing Main Street during certain periods on Friday and Saturday during the weekend and the Station Road on Saturday for the tractor pulls. The closure will not affect the breakfasts served at the Trailrunners’ clubhouse. The Council also approved some street barricades to be installed near the Town Park to allow for more free-flowing traffic.
The Council reviewed personal property tax information, and also reviewed tax calculations and set the mil rate at 26.5 for the 2010 tax year. The Council will be including an informational letter in the tax billing as to the reason for the increases in the bill including a cut in the Homestead Exemption and a huge cut from the state in municipal revenue sharing. The town offers a tax club which allows the tax bill to be spread out in 11 payments from August to June. Please contact the Town Office for details.
The Council was also informed of updates and the progress on fuel tank replacement located at the town garage.
The Council went into executive session to discuss for economic development as well as legal and personnel matters.
The next scheduled Council meeting will be held on Aug. 9 at the Civic Center at 7 p.m. and all interested residents are welcome to attend.
Jessie Dee, a 2010 graduate of WDHS, has started his new job as a Washburn cemetery crewmember along with veteran worker Adam Wilcox who has been attending classes at UMPI.
The pair have lots of responsibilities, mowing the five area cemeteries, three parks, the town garage, town office, warehouse, McCain’s and the Mill Pond. They also weed-whack, trim trees and take care of mulching for “Boss” Adam Doody.
Other than the recent oppressive heat and humidity, the boys have been enjoying the work and thank Roger Hewitt for taking care of the properties until they could work.
Washburn Rotary is planning a garage sale in the near future, and any donations will be gratefully appreciated. To arrange for donations, contact Charlotte Griffin at 455-8498 or cgriffin@mail2maine.com.
A 12-hour course in caregiver training and helpful information will be offered by the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging with instructors Katie Burby and Sharon Ann Berz. The next scheduled class will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Perham Baptist Church on Tuesday, July 27. For additional information contact the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging at 800-439-1789 or 764-3396 or e-mail sberz@aroostookaging.org.
The Washburn Trailrunners Snowmobile Club reports the ATV/Sled trail ITS 105 north of Washburn is undergoing repairs. The bridge by Porter’s potato house located one mile past the Washburn Trailrunners Club House is being repaired. There is no ATV trail to get around until work is completed. The Washburn Beavers’ ATV Club is trying to get one together. Please pass this info on to other ATVers.
Ten teen s were introduced to Missionary Aviation at Baptist Park’s Flight Camp from June 27 through July 2. They learned about aviation through lessons on the ground as well as accruing actual flight time. The teens were in the capable hands of volunteer pilots Bob Besaw, Jason Tuck, Gary Baer and Ted Fraser.
The students also learned how aviation helps missionaries serve others around the world. The campers and possible future pilots came from Presque Isle, Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Wade, Columbia Falls, Harpswell, Bridgton, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
You are invited to meet Rudy St. Peter (candidate for state representative) and Danny Deveau (candidate for state Senate), on Aug. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Perham Town Hall. This is will be an opportunity to let the candidates know what you want for Aroostook County. Refreshments will be served — coffee, tea and sweet snacks.
The 30th annual Washburn August Festival with the theme “The World of Adventure” will take place from Friday, Aug. 20 through Sunday, Aug. 22, in downtown Washburn. Events include: a craft fair; parade; music concerts; an outdoor movie; car, tractor and bike show; the annual alumni supper; several class reunions; children’s games; several breakfasts; suppers and the fire department barbecue.
Some of the festival activities and their contact people include: Mike Umphrey, parade, 455-4836 or lynnumphrey@yahoo.com; Matt Palmer, Gospel Concert, 455-4341; Barb Turner, Bike and Baby Parade, 493-4405; Arts and Crafts in the Park, Paul Carter, 455-4714 or carterscraftsme@yahoo.com; Class of 1960 reunion, Helen Crouse Hause, hhause@maine.rr.com; Food Vendors, Dennis Harris, 455-8279 or drharris@juno.com and August Festival Chairman Cindy Boot at 455-8464 or cindyboot@live.com.
Debra Viola and family invite their friends and neighbors to an outdoor, open meeting held at Fortune Smiles Farmstead, 134 Nutting Road, (the old Hartson Blackstone farm), to discuss Perham’s present and future. Please bring a chair as well as your concerns and ideas.
“This is a grassroots community effort and the hope is that people will attend and feel free to share their suggestions for moving our town toward cooperation and community spirit. All are welcome and will be treated with the respect all Perham’s residents deserve. The hope is to have honest discussion and suggestions offered in a open and fair forum. Please come prepared to share your thoughts,” said Viola.
Light refreshments will be served. For additional information please call Debra at 498-3433 or Ellie at 455-8016. Rain date to be announced.
The Perham Ladies are seeking new members. Membership is open to all women who reside in Perham, who are interested in serving their community while having a great time doing it. Ellie Snyder-Jordan is available to answer any questions you may have about the group and membership by contacting her at 455-8016.
The next meeting of the group will be held at the Perham Town Office on Monday, July 26, at 6:30 p.m. They would love to see some new faces.
The Perham Ladies are also seeking any donations for the town Welcome Baskets. Contact Ellie for ideas on items needed. Lastly, the Perham Ladies need volunteers and members to help out on the annual brunch held during the Washburn August Fest on Saturday, Aug. 22, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Washburn Town Office/fire station. The brunch is always a great deal of fun, so come join us, the more the merrier.
Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or gramchristie@yahoo.com.