To the editor:
Our good friend and neighbor, Catherine Miskelly, is coming to your town very soon. Just under 5 feet tall and weighing next to nothing, she sports a happy disposition and sense of adventure. But don’t let her size fool you, she’s made more than one man think twice abut playing a game of pool with her. Just ask anyone here about the “Pool Shark” and they know exactly who you mean.
And she has been known to dabble in knitting and crocheting, too. She’s been working on knitting a dish cloth for the last year. She may get it finished by the time she arrives — her fondness for chatting with friends kind of cuts into her knitting time.
When she gets to your town, make her feel welcome. She’s bringing her child, Kathleen, with her. Together, they will enrich the quality of life for everyone who comes in contact with them. They will dress up for a Halloween party, attend potluck dinners, help out friends and be really good neighbors.
We will really miss them, and their smiling faces and great attitudes.
John Tripp
Winter Springs, Fla.