Community Notebook

14 years ago

Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing

What a beautiful Sunday this is, August 15, as this is written. There is a breeze, sun, shade, and healthy air. What more could one want?
Barbara Spellman is looking for an item to play eight track tapes on. Anyone out there have such an article? If you do, get in touch with Barbara. She’s on the first floor and easily accessible!
I just  missed a great cookout here at the plaza. Hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, chips, soda and more. And of course that delicious strawberry shortcake! My mouth is watering now! There were other treats too, but since I missed it I can’t account to it.
My church, Saint Mary of the Visitation, has a 1999 GMC truck with plow, as is. Can be seen at the rectory, 112 Military St., Houlton or call 207 532-2871. An speaking of church, this is one that was in our bulletin this week concerning angels and written by Reagan, age 10, “When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to 10. And when he lets out his breath again, somewhere there’s a tornado.” (Out of the mouths of babes, etc.)
We were sorry to learn of Dr. Arthur Carton’s passing recently. The community has many fond memories of their living in Houlton and so do I. Sympathy is extended to his large family.
Sorry to learn of Helena Dickinson’s hospitalization again. Not sure where Helena is at this time, was at Eastern Maine in Bangor but I think she has been transferred to an out-of-state hospital, not sure. Lena, we are sorry you are ill, and get better and home again. Same goes for Karen Bither — again, not sure but word is that Karen is in the Eastern Maine hospital. We love you, Karen and again get better.
Betty Britton, my neighbor, is a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital, at this writing. Hope you are comfortable, Betty, and get home soon.
I have been to Manchester, N.H. after a family gathering and birthday party for one of my cousins to be held in South Paris was cancelled. Ah, family gatherings! At the July 10 gathering, my sister-in-law had a heart attack and wasn’t able to attend her 90th birthday bash. It was a fun gathering anyway in spite of her hospitalization. Whose next? My sister and I said “only the Shadow knows” in memory of my mother who loved the radio program and other mysteries.
Speaking of quotes, Gini Garrett had a great one in the RSVP newsletter. Here it is: a volunteer was giving information about her music before she and her husband played it and the piece was entitled: Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy. One hard of hearing resident asked another what she said and here’s her reply: “She is going to play Fruit of the Loom.” Isn’t that precious! It sure gave me a laugh. Gini will soon be transferring to another job and we will miss her. She told me that it is within the RSVP agency, but maybe I’m a little like the resident where the music was!
Aren’t the band concerts great? And so near, beautiful music. Have been to attend one, but I’m always open to the invitation. Come and enjoy our McGill’s Community Band before they depart for the season. It’s later than you think.
A new Bible class is starting at my parish, St. Mary’s, Tuesday, Aug. 31, led by Rev. Dave Raymond, pastor. It will run for eight weeks and non-Catholics are welcome.
Here’s my weekly Bible verse: “His Lord said unto him: Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” (Matthew 25:21)

The Purple Hat Society
by Lois Downing
Nineteen ladies met at Pine Grove Terrace in Oakfield for their August gathering on the tenth of the month. Each lady gave her Purple Hat name as the introductions were given. Marie Gillotti read a blessing poem before the meal, potluck and way too much food! But wasn’t it good!
“Happy Birthday” was sung to all the people who were celebrating a birthday during August. The monthly Purple Shoe, beautiful as always, was won by Joanne Scott.
A Ping-Pong toss game was played. Then a water glass game was played — very quickly the correct way to solve it was discovered. Good work to all those who participated! A Tangled Up game was attempted but no one could get out! (If you were there, you would say those Purple Hat ladies really have some fun.)
Several readings were enjoyed by all.
Presque Isle is the destination for the next gathering in September. Carpools were suggested and arranged. Please get in touch with Charlotte if you need a ride.
The ladies appeared in all kinds of shoes — you are asking why? It was Wear Your Favorite Shoe Day —we had sandals, cowboy boots, work shoes, dress shoes, purple sandals with yellow toenails, and even grungy slide-ins. All in all, it was a fun day!
Attending from Oakfield: Sandra Holmes, Evelyn Burpee, Delores Locke, Bernice Campbell, Maureen Bird and Janice Roy;
From Houlton, Betty Wyman and Paula Wyman;
From Dyer Brook: Marie Gillotti, Wannetta Townsend and Sandy Wyman;
From Merrill: Arlene Friel; from Smyrna: Peggy Sanders, Charlotte Marley and Cindy Gray;
From Cary: Joanne Scott and Jackie Colella; from New Limerick, Doreen Messina and from Island Falls, Mildred Gagnon.
We’re collecting your favorite recipes to share, so please remember to bring one to our September meeting, the 14th.
If you need information about the Purple Hat Society, just give Charlotte Marley a call, 757-8483 or any of the other ladies. We would love for you to come and just enjoy yourself. No dues, no pressure, just a relaxing day with other women.