Credit score and employment

14 years ago

Credit score and employment

To the editor:
    How can you determine a person’s eligibility for employment by asking for their credit score?  I would really like to know how that affects a person’s ability to work at a job of their choice. And another question, how do you pay your bills if you cannot get a job? 

    First it is assessment test now they want your credit score, what is next a blood test? I see the reason for a criminal background test; I do not see the reason for any company to ask for your credit score; especially in these hard times when most people’s credit score is in the toilet because of loss of job.
    Economics play a major role yes, but it does not have anything to do with a job offer  or a person working for you. Some people think poor credit means that person is a thief automatically. This, however, is a serious wrong no matter how you spin it. To ask this question is wrong and an invasion of privacy and I call on the legislature at the state and federal level to make such question illegal to ask … character integrity and honor should be the only thing a candidate should be judged upon not their credit score.

Murdock Todd Cote