Community Notebook

14 years ago

Bridgewater Historical News
By Jann Bonkowski Votaw

Due to scheduling conflicts, we are sad to announce that our supper planned for September 25th has been canceled. Sorry to inconvenience anyone. We have just presented our 2010 winner of the Boston Cane, Nedra P. Hartley with her plaque. We plan to have photos and a story in the near future. In the meantime, congratulations to Nedra.
We have finally reached our goal to replace the hall’s sound system. It is not quite all installed yet, but that will happen shortly. Thank you to all who have made this possible.
Our Thursday night music program from 6 – 9 p.m. with “Outside In” will continue until the end of October. So, come on down and join us for a night of fun while you can.
On Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1-2, 8-9, we will be having indoor Yard Sales from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you would like to make a donation or rent a table please contact: Gloria McCleary at 425-6941 or Stephanie Willette at 429-9309. Table rentals are $10.00
Don’t forget to get your costumes ready. Our Halloween dance is being held on Oct. 30 from 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $6 if you’re wearing a costume and $8 if you are not. There will be lots of prizes and lots of fun. Snacks and soft drinks included. The music will be provided by “Outside In.” Last year almost 100 percent were in costume.
For more information on any of our events please contact the BHA.

Happy Losers meet
By Shirley Sides
On Sept. 15 the Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congreational Church vestry in Island Falls.
Our leader opened our meeting with our pledge and roll call.
We had eleven ladies weigh-in and attended our class.
Shirley Sides was the loser of the week, and Winnie Desmond was runner-up Great job ladies.
Reports for the week were given by our secretary and treasuer. Our contest is going to continue until Oct 27. Joanie Sides led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article about The Stomach, and Heart Burn.We learned that it takes 9 hrs for our food we eat to digest.and of course we all know that we should eat slowly.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wed. 8:00am to 8:45am for weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9:00am. Call 365-4884 for more info

Oakfield Seniors gather
Oakfield Senior Citizens met for their last meeting of September at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile building on Sept. 15. Wendell Holmes was the lucky winner of the 50/50 drawing.
Arlene Friel presented the secretary’s report and Charlotte Marley brought us up to date with the treasurer’s report. Wannetta Townsend told of cards sent during the month.
Our business meeting was started with the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute. With 22 members attending it was voted that our Fall Foliage Trip would be on Saturday Oct. 2, leaving from the Oakfield Community Center at 9:30 a.m.
A new Farm Share program was discussed and more information will be available at a later date. Linda Bartlett announced that she is the new Area Coordinator in Southern Aroostook for RSVP. RSVP is part of the Agency on Aging located in Presque Isle. More information regarding how to contact Linda will be available soon. Linda will be looking for volunteers so be thinking about what you can do to assist our Seniors with help to keep them in their homes.
Attending were: Aubine Fox, Tessie Barrett, Martha Chapados, Linda Bartlett, Janyce Roy, David Burpee, Bobbi Cullinan, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Donald Marley, Doreen Messina, Thelma Flowers, Arlene Friel, Wannetta Townsend, Mary Lawler, Charlotte Marley, Wendell and Sandra Holmes, Marie Gillotti, Mildred Gagnon, and Kathleen Boutilier.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday Oct. 20.

Purple Hat Society
by Lois Downing
The Purple Hat ladies traveled to Presque Isle for the first time since their formation on Tuesday, Sept. 14, they met at Gram Russo’s, near the city limits. Purple Hat ladies carpooled and it was a fun time!
Most of the ladies were dressed for rain, appropriately so. It was a lovely ride both coming and going. Charlotte Marley welcomed the group. Lois Downing gave the blessing before the meal. Several ladies helped with the distribution of nametags.
After dining in a beautiful room, each lady gave her Purple Hat name. Charlotte presented the birthday list in the absence of Denise Kinney, who was recuperating from surgery. Get-well cards were signed for Denise and Lois MacDonald.
Charlotte reminded us that Sept. 12 was Grandparent’s Day. A show of hands revealed that Sandra Holmes had the most grandchildren. Always a hit on the program were humorous readings. Giving the readings at this meeting were Arlene Friel, Marie Gillotti, Cindy Gray, Sandy Wyman and Lois Downing wowed them with a story supplied by Betty Wyman.
Evelyn Johnston was given the Purple Hat shoe—a beautiful one as always.
The October (Halloween) meeting will be a combination one with the Red Hat ladies, (Oct. 28).The place has not been determined at this writing For November, the meeting will be at the “new” old Elm Tree Diner on the Bangor Road in Houlton.
Attending were: from Cary, Joanne Scott, and Jackie Colella; from Merrill, Arlene Friel; from Smyrna, Cindy Gray and leader Charlotte Marley; also, from Houlton, Paula Wyman, Betty Wyman, and Lois Downing; from Littleton, Kay Grass; from Dyer Brook, Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, Sandy Wyman; also from New Limerick, Doreen Messina; from Island Falls, Mildred Gagnon; and finally from Oakfield, Maureen Bird, Evelyn Burpee, Sandra Holmes, Elaine Barrett, Ursula Levesque, Delores Locke and Evelyn Johnston, and Bernice Campbell.
For information about the Purple Hat group, you may contact leader Charlotte Marley at 757-8483, or any of the other ladies. All you need is a purple hat, a sense of humor and an appetite! Come and join us.

Annual Rummage Sale
The annual rummage sale sponsored by Houlton Council of Catholic Women is Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 30, October 1 and 2. The place is at St. Mary of the Visitation Church at the parish center and St. Anthony’s Hall, in Houlton, the same place it has been for 50-60 years.
The sale is considered by many people in the community as one not to miss and they look forward to because of its contents—household items, dishes, shoes, boots, boots, pocketbooks, belts, lingerie, all lades and men’s clothing besides infants and children’s clothing and coats. You name it and we’ll find it!
Cheap and reasonable are our prices—serving the public three days.
Come and join us.

Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Hello everyone! Another week and it will be near Halloween. Have you thought about it? Got your candy, apples, pennies, nickels, or whatever? When I was a kid we had “shelly out.” We would gather in a bunch at the store until the storekeeper gave us his loot! What memories.
There will be a full moon this week, for those who are interested in the lunar system. Foliage is already at its peak in some places. Isn’t it beautiful? Mother Nature at its best. Fall begins too. We’re thankful for the wonderful summer and for the fall ahead. Is frost in the air too?
Peggy Robinson and someof her friends are traveling to several states, one being Indiana. Our wish is she return safely from this road trip. Here at Ricker, Alfred McCluskey, one of my neighbors, is moving to the second floor. Sylvia Thompson is moving downstairs. The change is taking place as I write.
Our “Healthy Living” class is almost at its halfway mark.  Those taking the class agree it is well worthwhile.
Jonathan Devoe of Mars Hill has been visiting his aunt, Dale Devoe this past week. Dale also had five cousins  with their husbands from Connecticut visit for a day and a half.
Ella Fitzpatrick’s surgery, slated for last week, was cancelled. The surgery will be rescheduled this week. Our best to our Ricker hairdresser on her upcoming surgery.
The Houlton Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring its annual rummage sale at the parish center, St. Mary of the Visitation Church. September 30, October 1 and 2. Janet Barker and many of the other members are working hard to provide this community event. If you can provide any time to volunteer your services, it would be appreciated. Contact Janet at 532-3581. Thank you kindly.
My Bible verse for today is taken from Jeremiah 30.22: “You shall be my people, and I will be your God.”
Have a good week, my friends, and God bless.

TOPS #ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233, of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, September 17 meeting.
Twenty three ladies were present including six KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Joyce Estey is leader and was present to conduct the meeting.
We had the usual TOPS and KOPS’ pledges but first we recited “My Halo Might Slip But——.” Barbara Grant  was the loser of the week, with Brenda Lacostic runner-up. The skinny dish winner was the friend of Barbara Whited.
Grant led us in a few minutes of exercises. It’s a great way to start the morning. Contest person then gave a review of minutes and mileage of the walking contest naming captain Charlotte Marley’s team as the winner of this week. Plans were made for the workshop October 2 in Presque Isle.
Joyce distributed to the members top 10 ways to jump-start weight loss. Some of the ways are: eat protein at every meal including breakfast; eliminate bread and pasta; eat unprocessed foods; reduce starch to one portion a day; don’t overdo fruit with two being maximum and only low sugar, high fiber variety; reduce or eliminate dairy for the time being; drink water; stop using vegetable oils.
Melva Folsom will help when necessary with the weigh-in; Charlotte will be a back-up person. One of the members gave us a sample exchange list then the members were broken into breakfast, lunch and dinner groups. All participated in one way or another choosing their favorite foods for each meal.
The next meeting will be Friday, September 24 at the same location. The weigh-in time is closed at 8:45 with the meeting beginning at 9 o’clock and ending usually an hour later. For further information on Chapter 0233 you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley in Smyrna at 757-8483.
We welcome all newcomers, seniors, teens and in-between.

Houlton Council of Catholic Women
by Lois Downing
The first meeting of the  2010-2011 season of the Houlton Council of Catholic Women took place at the parish center at Saint Mary of the Visitation Church Monday, September 13. Rev. David Raymond, pastor of the church and moderator of the Council, celebrated Eucharist at 6 o’clock in the chapel. Deacon Albert Burleigh assisted at this Mass.
Following the Mass, the blessing was given by  Rev. Raymond, before a potluck dinner in St. Anthony’s Hall with 19 members and guest Bill Roach and Deacon Burleigh.
A highlight of the evening was the presentation by co-president Janet Barker of a decorated cake to Cruz Cruz, a dedicated member of the Council and parish. The cake was a thank-you gift with a monetary one. Cruz is relocating to Texas and will be sorely missed. Fr. Raymond said as he hugged Cruz, “The whole community will miss you.”
After the traditional prayers led by co-president Mary Grant, reports were given by secretary Jane Stile and treasurer Bernette Roach. Several thank you notes were read by Lois Downing.
In July Council sponsored the Youth Sports Camp at Houlton Recreation Center with Tracy Guerrette. Mary reported much positive feedback from the attendees.
Attending the Maine Diocesan  Council of Catholic Women state quarterly meeting in July at Orono were Lynette Dobbs, Louise Guillette, Alta Reardon, Jane Stile and Lois Downing. Lynette and Jane gave an overview of the meeting, the topic being how to attract and retain new members.
Flyers with information about HCCW were distributed at all weekend Masses (for two weeks) by Bernette, Betty Ann Childers and Lois Downing. An invitation was printed in the church bulletin as an means for prospective members.
Co-president Mary read facts from National Council of Catholic Women, celebrating its 90th birthday. The National Council unites all women’s groups, altar societies, mother’s groups and prayer circles to form one organization to serve the Catholic Church.
The MDCCW Women’s Spirituality Morning will be Saturday, October 23 with St. Andrew’s Parish in Augusta hosting. Council will send a donation for a listing in its booklet.
Janet Barker, heading the annual rummage sale with other members at the parish center Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 30, October 1 and 2, asked for volunteers  for this undertaking, Council’s only fund raiser of the year. Give Janet a call at 532-3581 or go to the parish center during the week, and next and mornings, afternoons and early evenings if you can volunteer for any amount of time.
In order to keep our expenses at a minimum, Bernette Roach suggested the door prize will be supplied by members. Most of us have new items that can be used—this will be our custom in the future. If you have such an item, please leave it with Bernette.
Betty Ann Childers reported on the Parish Life Commission’s bus tour to Northern Maine, commonly named as a pilgrimage, September 24. Rev. Raymond will be tour guide, on a Cyr Bros. bus with the riders bringing  their own lunch and be responsible for a restaurant stop on the way home.
A prayer line has also been established. Parishioners can leave their names by calling the rectory at 532-2871 and ask for Patti. Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized. Mary Grant won the door prize, supplied by Bernette.
The recitation of the Hail Mary was given by members for: vocations, a safe journey for Cruz, farmers, sale workers, and those in our hearts and minds. The next meeting will be Oct. 4 at 6:30 p.m. The tables were decorated in the fall colors and cleanup was done by all Council members.
Sherman Area Seniors meet
The Sherman Area Senior Citizens club met at the Sherman gym for potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 15. Then we heard a prepared talk by guests, Mona Lynch and Rosalee Grondin, who came from the office of Aroostook Agency on Aging in Presque Isle, to acquaint us with the upcoming changes in Medicare that may affect some of us.
It has been decided to be driven by a van/bus to the Weathervane Restaurant in Brewer on Oct. 11. Everyone meet at Kelley’s Shell Station at Sherman I95 location at 10 a.m. Make your reservation by calling Annie Atkinson at 365-4293.
Mary Dickinson’s new address is Rm. 12 Cummings Healthcare, 5 Crocker St., Howland, ME 04448.
Present were: Joan O’Roak, Donna Grass, Bonita Staples, Eva Perry, Linniea Perry, Esther Greenier, Fred and Annie Atkinson and speakers, Mona Lynch and Rosalee Grondin.