FORT FAIRFIELD – The town of Fort Fairfield has developed an Economic Development Investment Strategy to set the stage for its future, and over the next two weeks, the town will unveil the document to the community.
The vision statement for the town reads: “We are an inclusive population which has a passion for community – supporting a unique and successful business sector, sustainable agriculture, and excellence in community services and facilities.”
“Approximately 10 percent of the population of Fort Fairfield made the commitment in December of 2009 to pave their way to prosperity,” said Town Manager Dan Foster. “Since then, after many meetings and revisions, a completed Vision, Mission, and Economic Development Investment Strategy are now ready for the community.”
At the Sept. 22 Town Council meeting, councilors will vote on ratifying the Economic Development Investment Strategy to make it the blueprint for the town’s future. Next week, the community will host Jim Mathis, “The Reinvention Strategist,” at the third annual community potluck dinner Sept. 29 beginning at 5 p.m. with an open house at the Fort Fairfield Community Center. Mathis’ keynote address is entitled, “Reinventing Yourself for the New World of Municipalities.”
The open house will be from 5-6 p.m., a potluck dinner from 6-7:30 p.m. and the program from 7:30-9 p.m. Baked beans, bread and beverages will be provided; all else is potluck. Seating is limited. For free tickets, RSVP by calling the Fort Fairfield Town Office at 472-3800.