Giveaways galore planned at Expo

14 years ago

Giveaways galore planned at Expo

    PRESQUE ISLE – More than 40 exhibitors displaying products and services ranging from alternate energy and technology to health and wellness and winter sports and recreation will be on hand – and more than $15,000 in giveaway prizes will be up for grabs – at the Fall and Winter Expo to be held at The Forum in Presque Isle Oct. 2-3. 

    The event, co-sponsored by WAGM-TV and the Northern Maine Community College Foundation, will be held Saturday from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
    “We have a wonderful mix of exhibitors and a wide range of products and services that will be presented at the Expo,” said Vicki Smith, NMCC Foundation board member and chair of the Fall and Winter Expo Committee. “We also have the largest number and highest value of prizes for giveaways that we’ve had since this show has been presented. Items valued at more the $15,000 will be given away to show attendees over the course of the weekend, including the ‘Live Easy This Winter’ prize package, which is causing quite a bit of buzz about this year’s show.”
    The unique prize package will include vouchers for groceries, heat and electricity for the three calendar months of winter. It will go to a lucky county resident who attends the 2010 Fall and Winter Expo.
    The lead donation for the door prize, valued at more than $3,000, comes from Scott Carlin, NMCC alumnus and owner of the Star City (Presque Isle), Hillside (Fort Fairfield) and Mars Hill IGAs. Carlin, who also serves as president of the NMCC Alumni and Friends Organization and a director on the NMCC Foundation board, will provide the lucky winner with 12 $150 grocery gift certificates redeemable at his three central Aroostook stores. The $1,800 in groceries represents the average cost for a family of four at $150 per week through the winter season.
    Joining Star City, Hillside and Mars Hill IGAs in providing the combined prize package is The County’s electric utility, Maine Public Service Co., which will provide three $100 gift certificates to cover the average electrical costs for the three calendar months of winter.
    Three county-based oil dealers, Daigle Oil Co., Dead River Co. and Maine Potato Growers Energy Services division, are collaborating and enhancing the grand prize package by each contributing 100 gallons of heating oil. Additionally, Northeast Pellets of Ashland and Center Farms Coal of Easton will also provide the equivalent of an average winter’s supply of wood pellets and coal, respectively. Fall and Winter Expo event coordinators intend to let the grand prize package winner decide from amongst the heating oil, pellets and coal. The remaining items will be given as prize drawings to two other lucky winners.
    Aside from the “Live Easy This Winter” prize package, other grand door prize giveaways include a pellet stove donated by the County Stove Shop, a new snow blower donated by Aroostook Door and Window, four deluxe NASCAR tickets to the races in Loudon, N.H. donated by Levassseur’s Napa Auto and Truck Parts, and 50 Troll Beads donated by Country Collectibles.
    “WAGM is pleased to be teaming with the NMCC Foundation again to bring The County and western New Brunswick the Fall and Winter Expo,” said WAGM-TV sales manager Kelly Landeen. “Attendees to this year’s event will have the opportunity to learn about the latest in alternative heating products and units, including wood, pellet, coal and biomass burning technology, as well as solar and wind energy.
    “Several exhibitors will feature home improvement, décor and entertainment products,” she said. “Other exhibitors will showcase products to help folks stay active outdoors during the coming winter months, as well as how to have fun and clear the abundant snow that falls on the region each year.”
    Health and wellness exhibits will be prominent. NMCC nursing students and medical assisting students will host a health fair.
    “There is truly something for everyone at this year’s show,” said Smith. “This is an event for the entire family.”
    FMI on the event, contact the NMCC Foundation at 760-1188 or WAGM-TV at 764-4461, ext. 253.