Houlton Pioneer Times Photo/Elna SeabrooksHoulton Police Department (HPD) officers Kris Calaman, left, and Theron Bickford are seen disposing of unwanted prescription drugs at headquarters in cooperation with the recent nationwide drug disposal day on Sept. 25. Lt. Dan Pelletier, not seen, said no questions are asked when prescription drugs are brought into headquarters which is preferable to the environmental hazards of flushing them into the sewer system or letting them find their way into the hands of people who should not take the drugs. “We collect unwanted medication all year long, 24 hours a day. It is transferred to Bangor and incinerated. The bottles are destroyed separately,” said Pelletier. According to Chief Butch Asselin, 42 people dropped off their outdated medication last Saturday. For more information call, HPD at 532-2287.