A window with a cause

14 years ago

ImageHoulton Pioneer Times Photo/Elna Seabrooks
WINNING DESIGN — Karen Fitzpatrick, co-owner of Daniels Florist in Houlton’s Market Sq. shows off her window design to display a handmade quilt to raise money for the Bridge to Hope Breast Cancer Awareness Walk. Kim Folsom, center, is an organizer of the walk on Saturday, Oct. 16. Pam Hocking, right, created the quilt with her daughter and credits local quilters who assisted with finishing work.

By Elna Seabrooks
Staff Writer

    HOULTON — Soft pink tulle is carefully draped to reveal tiny white lights. Round pink Chinese lanterns hang above heart-shaped balloons darting up and down alongside vibrant fuchsia silk Gerbera daisies. And, live green plants interspersed among the various tones of pink make the perfect eye-catching setting for a handmade quilt hanging in Daniels Florist’s picture window.
    The meticulously designed window display is a temporary home for the craftsmanship and effort that is going into a local fund-raising project.
    “Proceeds from raffle sales will go to the Bridge to Hope scholarship fund, the American Cancer Society and other local needs,” said Kim Folsom an organizer of the upcoming walk. “Scholarships will be awarded to Houlton, Hodgdon and southern Aroostook area students in the spring.”
     Pam Hocking and her daughter, Amy, created the oversized lap quilt with its pink, brown and aqua colors. The quilt is backed with pink-ribbon fabric — the international symbol of breast cancer awareness. A label on the back has “signatures” of all who worked on it: “Lovingly hand made by Pam Hocking, Amy Hocking, Peggy Crane and Gayle Cyr.”
    Hocking, a recent breast cancer survivor, expressed gratitude to other area quilters who lent their support to the project. “Peggy Crane donated the long-arm quilting on her special machine. Gayle Cyr applied the binding and the hanging sleeve which is all done by hand and is a very tedious, long job. So, that was wonderful of her to offer her services.”
    Once the quilt was done, Hocking needed a place to display the quilt. Karen Fitzpatrick had no reservations: “Pam was in the shop one day and we got to talking about the quilt and how she didn’t know where to display it. And, I said that’s one way I can help you out. I’ll hang it in the window.”
    “I just went with the pink theme. And, things fell into place for me. I decided to put lights through it. I had pink tulle. I happened to have pink material. I did special order the pink balloons and I incorporated some green plants. I really wanted to display the quilt and the pocketbooks, but, I thought I have to add a little touch around it. And, that’s basically what I did.”
    Fitzpatrick also incorporated some of Hocking’s handmade quilted pocketbooks she donates to the walk that raise about $20 each after expenses for materials. She said: “I lost a sister-in-law to breast cancer about 16 years ago. It’s very personal in our family’s heart.”
    “The window is beautiful. I was just very surprised when I saw it. Pam is my cousin and she made the quilt. It’s just breathtaking,” commented Folsom, a four-year survivor of breast cancer. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  
    “The walk is Saturday, Oct. 16. Registration is at 9 a.m. and the walk starts at 10 a.m. down at the Riverfront Park. You can get sponsorships or just come to support us. We don’t turn anyone away” said Folsom.