Fear in America
To the editor:
During World War II, President Roosevelt made the following statement, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Websters Dictionary defines fear as anxiety and agitation caused by the presence of danger, evil, pain, etc., a feeling of uneasiness, concern.
There was a time when our police had only a night stick for protection and today they are armed with the most up-to-date firearms and protective equipment, created by fear of being injured or losing their lives.
Most people never locked the doors to their house as there was not fear of anyone intruding in their home. Now most people have double locks on the doors and some add security systems.
There was a time when a person went to work when they got out of school and would work at the same job their entire career. Now there is the fear of not knowing each day whether you have a job or not. In the economy we live in today, a person will change jobs several times during their working years. Job security, as we once knew it, is a thing of the past.
Then comes the fear of losing our homes. It is very stressful as it involves the entire family. A home is a mother’s world, a resting place for father and mother at the end of each day’s work, a place where children bring their problems and joys to. A place where a family enjoys each other and days of special occasions.
A house in harmony is a house of beauty. Home is where children get their first schooling and first church, where they learn what is right and what is wrong.
There is the fear of our young men and women going off to war, some to return home injured and some giving their lives.
There is the fear of attacks on our country by terrorists or a nuclear attack by some foreign nation, which wants to destroy America and our way of life.
There is the fear that we will elect the wrong people to run our state and federal governments.
There is the fear of losing a loved one through death.
There is the fear of being betrayed by a loved one or a friend.
There is a fear by the people for their children, will they break the law in some way or get involved with alcohol or drugs? Will they finish school or become a dropout?
There is the fear of having our lives changed due to natural or man-made disasters.
There is the fear of contracting an incurable disease.
There is the fear of growing old and having to live out your life in a nursing home or some other health-care facility.
There are many other fears that come into our lives.
At the present time, fear has a grip on this great nation of ours, but with love, loyalty and faith, our country can overcome fear and recover from the greatest of conflicts and disasters. It is time for the American people to put their faith in their creator, God Almighty and pray for our President and other leaders of our country and ask God to bless America once more.
USAF Retired