Community Notebook

14 years ago

Sherman Seniors meet
The Senior Citizens club of Sherman met at the Sherman gym for potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 6, followed by playing Bingo.
    Present were: Fred and Annie Atkinson, Mary Lawler, Esther Greenier, Bonita Staples, Joan O’Roak. Linniea Perry, Teresa Albert and her daughter, Bonnie Strolton, who is visiting from Fla.
Our next meeting will be on Oct. 20. The following official trip will be on Oct. 11, by van to Brewer’s Weahtervane Restaurant.
Mona Lynch will be speaking at our next meeting. Don’t miss this one!

Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides
The Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
Our leader, Jackie Pratt opened the meeting with our pledge and roll call. We had 10 ladies weigh in and eight attended our meeting. Annie Jane Smith was the loser of the week and Loretta Bouchard was runner-up. Great job ladies.
Reports were given for the week by our secretary, Shirley Sides and by our treasurer Dotty Rand.
Our contest is still going well. It will end Oct. 27 and who will win the Cortlands or the Duchess?
Our leader, Jackie Pratt led the program for the week, and Riva ended our meeting with a great poem.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wed. 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more info. Have a good week!

Oakfield Seniors
Twenty-one Oakfield senior citizens went on their annual fall trip to view all the beautiful leaves. This year they went to Presque Isle by Route 11 to Ashland and on into Presque Isle. They had lunch at bonanza and spent some time shopping at the mall. A good time was had by all. Making the trip were Dorene and Joe Messina, Arlene Friel, Wendall and Sandra Holmes, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Macie Fowler, Geneva Bell, Bob and Delores Locke, Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Kathleen Boutilier, Charlotte Lowell, David Burpee, Thelma Flowers, Marie Gillotti, Carissa Silverstri and bus driver Lisa Casey.

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
Hello everyone! In the 40s today for temperature. My, how the weather changes. Just go with the flow, and dress warmer. But aren’t the leaves and trees still beautiful! We are certainly blessed to have such wonderful sights before us.
Lots going on in town, it seems. Just watch the Pioneer Times.
Barbara Spellman celebrated a birthday on Sunday, Oct. 10. Barbara was taken out to breakfast by Aldyne Friel on Saturday. Aldyne is in town visiting one of her friends. It is nice for her to stop by and see her friends at Ricker Plaza. Aldyne is now living in Biddeford.
Peggy Robinson arrived back in Houlton from her out-of-state trip with friends on Wednesday. Her report was, “I had a wonderful time.”
Lois Downing was the guest of her cousins, Rita and Thomas Kronenberg of Middletown, Conn. on Thursday. The cousins who own a tree farm in Connecticut and property in Topsfield make their annual trip to Ricker Plaza to see Lois. It was a happy reunion.
Many thanks to all the tenants to left bags beside my door, for the annual rummage sale sponsored by the Houlton Council of Catholic Women. I still collect bags for the community store of Good as New. Any bag of any size and material is certainly welcome. Thanks again.
Kathy Strange, widow of the late Glenn Strange, was visiting Bud and Judy Reid recently. It was good to see Kathy, a former resident of Houlton and Hodgdon. Her son Eric is in the Washington, D.C. area and daughter is an audiologist in the Portland area.
Paul and Linda Downing of Wakefield, Mass. were visitors of his mother, Lois Downing on Sunday.
Healthy Living Class in the community room with instructor Helen Sherwood, RN case manager, and assisted by Brenda McGillicuddy, ended with the class on Oct. 6. Everyone who attended agreed we all learned things. The topics covered were disease related problem solving, communication skills, managing emotions, exercise, use of community resources, nutrition, medications, cognitive symptoms and management with chronic illness. Our thanks to Helen and Brenda.
Lois Downing was in Presque Isle recently as was Saddie Carmichael. Saddie also reported that she had a wonderful ride through “the Valley,” to St. Agatha and other towns recently with her son.
Dean Richardson is wearing new eyeglasses. Dean says he can “see me now.”
Thomas Vasko was in an automobile accident over a week ago. Thomas was injured but is OK. I’m told his car is a wreck, but as long as Thomas is OK, that’s the main thing. Right?
Marion Hogan is on the sick list — give Marion a call at Gardiner Nursing Home Facility where she lives. She’ll be glad to hear from you.
Heard from Delpha Sweener recently. Delpha is 89 years of age and it was nice to talk to her; somewhat an authority of town affairs and subjects.
If you have news for Ricker Rumblings, you have give it to me at any time, or slide it under my door.
The Bible verse for today is: “The days will come when there will not be left a stone upon another stone …” (Luke 21.6).
Was sorry to learn of the death of Florence Hanson, 82. Her funeral took place on Sunday of last week. Florence was a resident of Ricker Plaza at one time, before she went to live at Madigan. Florence used to spend a lot of time here before she lived here, visiting her mother, Gladys Boulier. Our sympathy goes to her family and friends.
Have a happy and healthy week.

TOPS #ME 0233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Oct. 8 meeting.
Leader Joyce Estey was present to conduct the meeting. The “Halo” story was recited as well as the traditional pledges.
Elinor Harvey was the official greeter. She was the loser of the week also with Dale Holden as runner-up.
After the meeting a bridal shower was held for our weight recorder, Denise Kinney who is now Denise Clark. Her husband Kevin Clark, was present and everyone gave them a happy sendoff. Helping with the decorations were Dale Holden and Linda Bartlett. A luncheon with low fat foods was the spread of the day. A monetary gift was presented to the happy couple from the TOPS ladies.
The TOPS chapter 0233 will meet again Oct. 15 at the same location. Weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 o’clock. The meeting usually ends an hour later.
If you want to lose weight, come to our meetings. For more information you may contact Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.