Houlton Rec to hold family events, hoop

14 years ago

Fall events for families
The Houlton Recreation Department will be sponsoring two family events on the weekend of Oct. 29-30. On Friday, Oct. 29, experience the fun of G-Force Laser Tag. Youth between ages 6-12 can participate from 5-7 p.m. and ages 12 years and older can participate from 7-9 p.m.
    Laser Tag is like playing a video game except the participant is playing the game for real!
Cost for this event is $10 per person and pre-registration is suggested. For more information, call the Houlton Recreation Department at 532-1310 by Oct. 29.
On Saturday, Oct. 30, bring children to see the “Conjuring Carroll” Magic Show at the Houlton Rec Center. The Show will be held at 1 p.m. and directly following the show, children will be able to decorate their own pumpkin cookie and have a drink. Cost for this special event is $3 per person. If you have any questions about either event, contact the Houlton Recreation Department at 532-1310.
Youth basketball registration reminder
The Houlton Recreation Department is still accepting registrations for Tykes (Grades 1-2) and Peewee (Grades 3-4) basketball. Registration forms may be filled out at the Houlton Recreation Center. Cost for the program is $25 for Houlton residents and $35 for non Houlton residents. Deadline for the registrations is Oct. 29.  For more information, call the rec at 532-1310.