Community Notebook

14 years ago

Houlton Council of Catholic Women
by Lois Downing
Houlton Council of Catholic Women met for its third meeting of the season, Monday, November 1, in the parish center. Twenty-two members attended. Deacon Albert Burleigh attended before the session ended, as he was in Island Falls for All Saints Day earlier. Co-president Mary Grant welcomed everyone, especially Alfreda Albert. Alfreda has been absent for several months due to sickness.
Salute to the cross, pledge to the flag, and other prayers were recited plus the hymn, “On This Day.”
Jane Stile gave the Secretary’s report; treasurer Bernette Roach gave the treasurer’s report. The basket for the Seminarian Fund was made available. The fund will be presented to Bishop Richard Malone, Diocese of Maine, in April.
For old business it was revealed that Margaret Casey and Judy Reid will purchase the chafing dishes for the kitchen, as voted previously.
Co-presidents Janet Barker and Mary Grant attended a state meeting October 23, revealing the reason for poor attendance at meetings—travel distance/time, lack of passion for meetings, other commitments and money. Another meeting is slated December 4 at St. Monica’s Hall, St. Augustine Parish in Augusta, for unit presidents, district presidents, board members, regents and individual members. January 22 is the date for the quarterly state meeting at St. Agnes, Pittsfield.
Secretary Jane is working on donations for Christmas gifts. Margaret Casey with help from her daughter will organize the Giving Tree. Ladies will supply items like face cloths, blankets, towels and personal care items. Co-president Mary has some gifts that will be given to Stepping Stones and the Hope and Justice Project.
Molly Bailey headed the Christmas sale Nov. 13 in the parish hall. Cindy York made the tickets for the HCCW Christmas wreath raffle, donated by Jane Mitchell, the wreath was bearing 50 one dollar bills. Alfreda Albert volunteered to oversee the HCCW table at the fair. The proceeds will go to the Seminarian Fund.
Houlton Council of Catholic Women was recognized for providing the pies for the Nov. 7 chicken potpie public dinner. The local Knights of Columbus co-sponsored the dinner. The meals were a great success, both financially and socially. Chef Margaret Casey was recognized for her efforts. Margaret is also the chef for the annual Thanksgiving dinner, which our unit gave a monetary gift.
A substantial amount of money was donated to the local Food Pantry. Janet Barker presented a reading about some saints and the involvement in the process of becoming a saint. The officers participated in the program, reading about saints, all provided by Janet. Janet provided some quizzes, and many books on saints were available. The church library is accessible and Mary Armour and Janet both spoke about donating books to the library. There were several handouts and papers to take home, pertaining to saints. The program was very interesting.
Birthday and anniversaries were recognized, as were prayer intentions. Yvonne Blake was the winner of the door prize. If anyone needs a card, get well or sympathy, please let me know.
Deacon Al spoke on the month of November—it being the month of All Saints and All Souls Day and being a good time to reflect on our blessings, slow down and recognize that God loves us; he then led us in the blessing before our meal, prepared by the November committee.
The annual Christmas party will be the meeting in Dec. 5 after the 11 a.m. Mass, in the parish center. Members are all asked to please bring a wrapped gift, not exceeding in value of $5. See you there.

Purple Hat Society
By Lois Downing
The Purple Hat Society held its November meeting on the Bangor Road’s new Elm Tree Diner on Tuesday, Nov. 9. Fifteen ladies attended with Charlotte Marley in attendance to greet everyone.
The ladies wore their nametags and purple hats. Several members had readings and they were all well received. The Purple Shoe was taken home by Kay Grass.
“What Kind of Soap Are You” was played and the winner was Bar—pretty standard and happy and likes to blend in with the crowd.
The site of the December meeting was discussed. The members are to please watch the Houlton Pioneer Times for more details. A Yankee Swap will be a must and food for the animal shelter. The Yankee Swap gift is to be wrapped but not the animal shelter items.
In December cookie baskets will again be on the agenda and the baskets will be at the next meeting.
The ladies enjoyed Elm Tree’s new building and the fact there was room to move around freely. Members attending were: from Island Falls, Mildred Gagnon; Littleton, Kay Grass; Houlton, Betty Wyman, Paula Wyman and Margaret Dudley.
Also from Smyrna, Peggy Sanders and Charlotte Marley; Oakfield, Evelyn Burpee, Sandra Holmes, Bernice Campbell and Maureen Bird; From Dyer Brook, Wannetta Townsend, Sandy Wyman and Marie Gillotti.
For information about the society, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or any of the other ladies listed above. The date for the next meeting is Tuesday, Dec. 14. Come, (no dues), enjoy, dine and have fun!

by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter #0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Nov. 12, meeting. Joyce Estey conducted the business meeting. Elinor Harvey was the official greeter. Several members helped with the drawings.
Members repeated the TOPS and KOPS’ pledges. Thirteen TOPS ladies were weighed with six KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Joyce Bartlett was the loser of the week with Lois Downing runner-up.
Charlotte Marley gave the secretary’s report and Joanne Scott the weight recorder’s numbers. Janette Nelson, treasurer, gave a monthly financial report. Betty Ivey was the winner of the skinny dish.
Meetings this month are set for Dec. 3, 10, 17 and 31, with no meeting on Dec. 24. Members are asked to please take notice of this exception.
One of the contest members handed out facts on new year’s resolutions stating that it is not too early to start. The following is what we need to fulfill each week to progress to the top: create an attitude of determination to keep this resolution; keep a food diary every day and stick to a healthy food plan; drink at least three glasses of water every day; exercise every day if only for 5-10 minutes; maintain, lose or stay within leeway (KOPS) at each weigh-in. A large sign depicting Mt. Resolute was shown and each member was given a stick pin to show her progress on the chart.
Chapter 0233 won second place in the skit contest—at workshop at Presque Isle Saturday, November 6—the chapter certificate was hung up for all to see, plus other chapter awards. Leader Joyce introduced Linda Trickey, representative from the University of Maine, Cooperative Extension, not USDA employee as quoted in last week’s report. Many handouts including recipes, vitamin and mineral lists and a newsletter were presented. Handouts were available for absent members.
Linda covered many subjects, milk, vitamins and minerals and answered questions from the ladies.
Linda promised to return to a future TOPS meeting and she will be welcomed—very interesting facts on food, and nutrients. For information on the chapter you may contact Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley, 757-8483.
Our assistant weight recorder reminded everyone the weight room closes at 8:45 every Friday. Weight recordings start at 8 and the meetings begin at 9 and usually end an hour later. Everyone is welcome.