Zimmerman motorcade from Bangor to Houlton was impressive

14 years ago

To the editor:
On Monday we gave a shout out that we needed help in forming a motorcade to honor 1st Lt. James Zimmerman’s sacrifice. The response was overwhelming and we sincerely thank you. We want to thank everyone who participated in the Motorcade bringing First Lt. James Zimmerman’s body home from Bangor. We want to thank everyone in Merrill, Houlton and Smyrna who put flags up along the roadsides — many worked in the pouring rain. We want to thank the Maine State Police Troops E and F for their assistance in escorting the motorcade. We also thank the Aroostook County Sheriff’s Department, the U.S. Border Patrol, Customs and Immigration, the Houlton Police Department, the Benedicta Fire Department, Oakfield Fire Department, Stacyville Fire Department, Island Falls Fire Department and Ambulance Crews, and the Houlton Fire Department for participating and escorting the Motorcade. We thank the many fire departments and municipal police departments from Bangor to Island Falls and Houlton who were on or near the exits along the route — waiting with lights on to pay respect.
    We thank the news media and the local radio stations for the assistance in getting the word to the people — the Bangor Daily News, WHOU and WHCF radio stations, WAGM TV and the various stations across the state who called for information and helped to spread the word which enabled more people to participate.
We thank everyone who lined the streets from Bangor, to Benedicta to Island Falls, Dyer Brook, Merrill, Smyrna and Houlton to pay their respect to the family and honor Marine Zimmerman’s sacrifice. We thank the staff and students from Greater Houlton Christian Academy and Southern Aroostook School for their participation.
On behalf of the Zimmerman family I thank you because, I know your efforts meant so much, and on behalf of the town of Smyrna I thank you for your part in this. I am so proud of the citizens of the entire area; we live in a great country and a wonderful community.

Candy Nevers
Town Manager
Town of Smyrna