Howes celebrates 90th
On a beautiful fall afternoon, friends and family gathered to honor Pauline Howes on the occasion of her 90th birthday. The celebration was held in Patten at the Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church community room. At her celebration, Howes was adorned with a beautiful purple and white orchid and a Hawaiian lei was lovingly placed around her neck by her great-granddaughter, Caitlin Hanson.
The three children of Howes were in attendance, along with four of her seven grandchildren and eight of her 15 great-grandchildren. Joanne Hanson and her husband, Cecil of Dunstable, Mass. and Shin Pond, Me., Robert and Jeanie Howes of Patten, and Rodney Howes of Washington, D.C., were all there to celebrate their mother’s special day. Karen and Tom Suvalskas and sons, Daniel, Adam and Jacob of Marlborough, Mass., Terry and Lisa Hanson and children, Erik, Caitlin and Dillon of Tyngsboro, Mass., and Kathy and Michael Ogiba and their sons, Jeffrey and Austin of Hudson, N.H., and Kenyon Howes of Houlton were all present to celebrate the milestone of the person they fondly call Pollygram.
Other friends and family members, including Howes’ sister, Honey Lyons, were there as George Bates played his guitar and serenaded the birthday celebrant with some of her favorite songs. Birthday greetings from the President and First Lady, Barack and Michelle Obama, were read along with a Sentiment introduced to the State Legislature by Representative Henry Joy. Cards and greetings were received from friends and family near and far.
Howes has resided on Pleasant Street in Patten for over 60 years, where she is know for her beautiful flower gardens.
Island Falls News
Staying for the past 10 days at the home of Sam Sewall have been his daughters, Cheryl Connelly and Gail Kennett and husband, John. Sam had been a patient at the Houlton Hospital for about 10 days, but is expected home soon. Rumor has it that he may spend this winter in the sunny climates of Florida with daughter, Cheryl , and the neighborhood will miss him and certainly wish him well.
The Country Jamboree which is held at the snowmobile clubhouse every Wednesday from 6-9 p.m. is still going strong. Many people from the surrounding towns arrive to enjoy the music and dancing and, also to listen to Clayton Webb when he gets up to sing a song or two. On the last Wednesday of the month a potluck dinner is served and everyone looks forward to the goodies that Charlene Webb brings — sometimes apple squares and sometimes baked beans and buttermilk biscuits, which is much enjoyed by everyone.
Still swimming at Vacationland, but now have only one left to keep me company since Doris left in October to spend the winter in Kansas. Now only John White is there every day and once in a great while someone staying at the resort will come in. So John and I keep each other company and enjoy the water. Last week had the good fortune to look out my kitchen window and there saw a bright red cardinal in my cedar tree. First one I have seen this fall and sure hope I get to see him again. Have lots of other birds now and the woodpeckers have returned to gobble up the peanut butter and lard mixture, plus the other day had a lone red squirrel in the cedar tree and he was sure eating up everything in sight, too.
This is the hunting season so haven’t seen too many deer, but about a week ago, I had six of them in my back lawn in the mid-afternoon. Put out some bread and cut up apples that soon disappeared.
Dyer Brook over ran it banks this past week due to the heavy rains we have had and Rock Island on Mattawamkeag Lake was practically invisible — noticed today coming from swimming, that I could now see a couple of the rocks showing there, so the waters are slowly receding. Just glad all that rain wasn’t snow!
Patten Seniors gather
Patten Senior Citizens held its regular meeting at Meadowbrook Manor with 13 members present.
The Lord’s Prayer was recited by the members before the potluck meal.
President Annette Noyes opened the business meeting by leading the flag salute.
Secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
Cards were signed and sent to Dick and Pauline McMannus, Doug Elwell and Spurgeon Somers.
A reading was given by Joyce Harvey.
It was voted to give the December meal donation money to the Salvation Army.
Members are asked to bring a bag lunch to the November 16 meeting. We will plan to eat at the usual time of 11:30 a.m. and then will go to the Lumbermen’s Museum at 12:30 p.m., where the curator, Rhonda Brophy, will do a slide presentation of old photographs.
Members present were Nettie Shorey, Annette Noyes, Rubenia Botting, Mary Lawler, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Marge Heath, Mary Cox, Gloria Noyes, Maxine Brackett, Marilyn Somers, Dot Binette and Pearl Grant.
Sherman Seniors meet
The Sherman Senior Citizens club met for potluck lunch on Wednesday, Nov. 3 at the Sherman gym.
Linda Bartlett will come to our next meeting to be introduced as our new RSVP representative, replacing Gini Garrett, on Nov. 17. Come and hear what she has to say. There is always something new and important.
We decided to have our combination Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner, featuring ham, on Dec. 1.
Thank about being a correspondent with your 4th grader at Sherman Elementary, who will be entertaining us Dec. 15.
We played Bingo after lunch.
Present were Annie and Fred Atkinson, Fred and Sylvia Lilley, Jean O’Roak, Eva Perry, Donna Grass, Bonita Staples, Mary Lawler, Linniea Perry and Esther Greenier.