Community Notebook

14 years ago

Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Our angel of the day is Paul Armstrong. Paul was cleaning the snow off all the cars in the parking lot on this first snow day of the year, November 20, 2011. Many more snow days are ahead of us, so thanks, Paul, in advance, for all you do.
My friends have told me about the high school students in “Grease” playing at the Houlton High School this weekend (Nov. 19, 20, 21). Expect to be in the audience Saturday night and I know I won’t be disappointed.
    On our bulletin board this past week has been a notice for: a beneft supper at Houlton Elementary School November 20 for Makinlee, infant daugher of Shawn and Alisa Margison. The baby was born with a large tumor in her liver and she was to undergo treatment to shrink the tumor and eventually surgery in Boston. Hopefully the event at the school to raise money for this treatment was very successful.
Our Thanksgiving dinner is slated for Sunday in the community room. The Henderson family is always very gracious in supplying and hosting this meal for us. Thank you very much. Thank you too for the American Legion on Bangor Road who were hosting on Sunday the Thanksgiving meal for the families in the community. We are blessed with Houlton and its community spirit.
I am still collecting bags of any size, paper or plastic. Just leave them at apartment 108 or call if you want them picked up. Thank you very much.
Our St. Mary’s Church is hosting a dinner too for those who have no one to eat with or would rather eat out, whatever the circumstances. The meal is being served from noon until 2 o’clock, at the parish hall. Everyone is welcome. A friend is leaving carrots, potatoes and turnips, all great vegetables. Thanks to all her efforts for supplying these veggies for us.
The basketball schedule is starting December 3, also Houlton-Hodgdon Blackhawks hockey with their beginning game December 11.
Also going on this weekend is the Rotary auction plus open house by some Houlton merchants. Lots going on. The fire alarm was sounded one day last week early, like 5 a.m., by a person getting breakfast and caused a mishap. Many people like myself were not aware of it. No one was hurt; only smoke damage. If you looked out the window early one morning and saw two fire trucks, you were not dreaming!
Paul Downing with son Patrick of Wakefield, Mass. were visitors of his mother and grandmother for several days last week.
We were saddened to learn of the death last week in Portland of Rev. Coleman O’Toole, former pastor at St. Mary of the Visitation Fr. O’Toole was a wonderful priest. I have many fond memories of him and his pastorate at St. Mary’s, having served as his secretary for many years. I had heard from him most recently in October. God bless, Fr. O’Toole. May he rest in peace.
Congratulations to Charlene and Brian Henderson on the birth of their third grandchild, Madelyn—mother is Henderson’s oldest daughter, Amy, I believe and her husband. Our sympathy is extended to Jeanie Hall, in the loss of her cousin. It is always hard to lose a relative.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our readers. If you leave Houlton to spend the holiday elsewhere, get back safe and sound. For those who are celebrating here, have a joyous day with loved ones. Thank you for all blessings now and throughout the year, Lord.
See you next week. Have a good one. God bless and don’t overeat!

Island Falls News
Despite the snow falling on Nov. 20th, Marion Hoar, Shelley Stevens and Riva Hawkes drove 10 miles to Sherman where they opened the Upper Room thrift shop for business as usual. All volunteers, they worked from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. helping all who came in to look and buy and did a very brisk business. The thrift shop is a marvelous place to get your family outfitted for the coming winter months at a very low cost and is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Peter Connelly, son-in-law to Sam Sewall, has arrived and is staying at Sam’s, along with his wife, Cheryl, and visiting with Sam in the hospital. Have only seen the cardinal a couple of times so far. They never linger too long so it is lucky to see them at all. I am keeping my bird feeders full now and that the cold weather is finally here. I saw a couple of gray squirrels running across my front lawn so guess they are now daily visitors to the feeders. And despite the hunting season, I still have a doe and two lambs arriving quite regularly so I keep an eye out for them and give them cut-up apples and chunks of old bread. They make short work of it in no time at all before leaving to head off into the woods.

Happy Losers meet
by Shirley Sides
Happy Losers met Nov.17th at the Congreational Church vestry in Island Falls. Our co-leader Loretta Bouchard opened our meeting with our pledge and roll call.
We had 10 ladies weigh-in and eight attended our class. Jeanne Watson was the loser of the week, and Annie Jane Smith was runner-up. Great job ladies! Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week.
Riva Hawkes led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article called How to Burn Calories. Meetings are always interesting and informative, and we adjourned with Riva’s and Joanie’s jokes. Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday 8-8:45 a.m. for weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more info.

TOPS #ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Nov. 19 meeting. Members gave the “Halo” saying, TOPS and KOPS pledges and then roll call.
Sixteen members and seven KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) were in attendance with Joyce Estey leading. Elinor Harvey was the official greeter and Donna Parent had charge of the drawing for the skinny dish, winner being Lois Downing.
Loser of the week was Betty Ivey with Brenda Lacostic runner-up. Barbara Grant led us in several minutes of exercises. Contest person explained the chart depicting Mt. Resolute—if a loss or remaining the same in weight, one would move their name higher on the chart. We have six weeks to achieve our goals.
Joyce read a letter from state coordinator Paulette Souliere stating facts on new forms. Joyce reminded members there is no meeting on Friday, November 26, the day following Thanksgiving. Chapter 0233 will host a workshop June 4, 2011. On the decorating committee are: Betty Ivey, Brenda Lacostic, Denise Clark, Linda Bartlett, and Barbara Grant.
Plans were made for our Christmas party at Grammy’s in Linneus, Friday, December 3 for luncheon. No gifts will be exchanged.  Rides will be determined that morning. Barbara Grant is in charge of reservations.
Elinor Harvey had a brief reading on a “beautiful woman,” the month of November being Beautiful Women Month.  Beauiful women share food as well as give helping hands.
Barbara Grant’s reading was  “Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder,” pertaining to a person who puts off what she is going to do because she sees something else to do. Many of us connected with this person.
Charm person Melva Folsom distributed the following charms: for July, KOPS in leeway, Lois Downing, Barbara Grant, Dale Holden, Betty Ivey, Charlotte Marley and Donna Parent; for August, TOPS in leeway, Barbara Grant, Dale Holden, Betty Ivey, Charlotte Marley and Donna Parent, Lois Downing; for September, KOPS in leeway, Lois Downing, Barbara Grant, Dale Holden, Betty Ivey, Charlotte Marley and Donna Parent; six weeks, no gain, Janette Nelson, Brenda Lacostic and Gerry McAfee.
Also, charms for July-September, perfect attendance, Maureen Bird, Joyce Estey, Elinor Harvey, Joanne Scott, Aileen Smith and Barbara Whited. Charlotte took pictures following the presentations.
The next meeting will be Decemer 3, Christmas party. Members will be weighed and then meet at Grammy’s Country Inn in Linneus.
Meetings start at 9 a.m. and usually end an hour later. For more information on the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Carlotte Marley at 757-8483. Everyone is welcome.

Observes first birthday
Cheyanne Elizabeth Stockley was guest of honor at her first birthday party given to her at her home, by her parents, Kristin and Paul. Gifts were opened and cake and ice cream served.
Those attending were: parents, Kristin and Paul, Grandmother Sherri Allen, Aunt Kelsey, Great-grandparents, Linda and Brian Wing, Aunt Marcy, Uncle Tom, cousin Matthew Hartin and friend Caley, Aunt Crystal, cousins Aubrey, Alyiah and Daymun Poisson, friends Denise and Stephany Challoux.
The party theme was Baby Minnie Mouse.