Limestone clubs seek Christmas Basket applications

14 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — For the 42nd year, members of the Limestone Rotary Club, Knights of Columbus, Masons, Methodist Men’s Club and even the Boy Scouts have joined together to show exactly what the spirit of the season is all about as they collaboratively distribute Christmas Baskets throughout the Limestone community.

Like always, the baskets will be teeming with all the foods that help make a merry Christmas including a holiday turkey and the stuffing to go in it; new this year, however, is the process in which an individual obtains a Christmas Basket. While “application” sounds like a formal affair, the only information needed is a name, address and an indication as to whether or not they’d be able to pick their basket up. The reason for the change this year is to create an accurate list of those in need of a Christmas basket, especially since many individuals who were on the previous basket list no longer live in Limestone.

Applications are available throughout the town including: Limestone town office, Caswell town office; Limestone Estates, each of the churches in Limestone and through any Limestone Rotarian. Once filled out, the applications can be submitted at the same location of availability or by mailing the self-addressed envelope that comes with the application.

But no application, no basket.

All baskets are furnished by the local organizations with help from individual donors in Limestone and Caswell; anyone interested in contributing to the Holiday Basket Project should contact tri-chair and treasurer of the Limestone Rotary Club Phil Adams at 325-4136 or speak with fellow tri-chairs David King and Pete Huntress.

All applications are due by Friday, Dec. 17; the baskets will be distributed from the Limestone Catholic Church on Saturday, Dec. 18.

Last year, The Limestone Rotary Club was recognized by Rotary International for having the Best Cooperative Project in their district to provide the Holiday Baskets (along with the work of the other partnering organizations.) The Limestone Rotary Club operates in District 7810, which includes clubs in Canada including Edmundston East and clubs in Aroostook and Washington Counties.