U.S. Senators Olympia J. Snowe and Susan Collins recently announced their nominees to the United States Military Academies. Among the nominees is Craig Thomas of Houlton, who is a student at Houlton High School.
Thomas, the son of Karen Thomas and Paul Thomas, has been nominated to attend the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, N.Y.
When Thomas received his acceptance letter, he said, “I was extremely excited.”
Thomas recognizes the fact not too many students have an opportunity to be nominated by a state senator or even come close to attending one military academy.
“I’m very pleased and proud as a citizen to be able to have an opportunity to go there,” he said.
Thomas’ pursuit of a military career takes root in his heritage.
“My grandfather on my mom’s side won a Purple Heart,” he said. “So, I wanted to fulfill another legacy. Maybe after I go there, I can do something bold and something that is meaningful.”
Snowe and Collins in a joint statement said, “We are honored to nominate such an impressive group of Maine students to our nation’s distinguished service academies. The nominees have earned this honor through a commitment to strong scholarship, leadership, and character.”
When 1st Lt. James R. Zimmerman’s funeral ceremony was held at Houlton High School, Thomas noted the strong encouragement of the community.
“I know when we had the ceremony here, there were tons who showed up and tons of support and I know how loved all the servicemen are and all the service women,” said Thomas. “There’s a lot of support for the military even though there are some who don’t encourage it. I would like to be in that position where my community supports me as much as we support them right now.”
Thomas using the Marine motto, said, “It’s a push toward being one of the few and the proud.”
Thomas is excited to look into international business while attending military academy.
“They do have a lot of people who have graduated who have gone on to great things,” he said. “The field is open for me.”