Community Notebook

14 years ago

Dyer Brook News
On Oct. 27, Miss Wannetta Townsend attended an RSVP training and luncheon at the Smoki Hauler Snow Club in Oakfield.
On Oct. 28, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Mrs. Sandi Wyman, Miss Wannetta Townsend and Mrs. Hazel Beers, along with other purple hat ladies, had lunch with the Red Hat Ladies Society at Watson Hall in Houlton.
    On. Nov. 3, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Miss Wannetta Townsend and Mrs. Hazel Beers attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki Hauler Snow Club in Oakfield.
On Nov. 9, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Mrs. Sandi Wyman and Miss Wannetta Townsend, along with other purple hat ladies had lunch at the Elm Tree Diner in Houlton.
On Nov. 18, Mrs. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend, along with the Oakfield Senior Citizens had Thanksgiving dinner at Southern Aroostook Community School.
On Nov. 27, there was a good turnout for a benefit supper for Linwood Hersey at the Oakfield Community Center.
A lot of families got together for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
Mrs. Myrna Sprague has been a surgical patient at the Houlton Regional Hospital.
Toni Marie Gillotti of Hodgdon was a recent weekend guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gillotti.
On Dec. 8, Mrs. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki Hauler Snow Club in Oakfield.
On Dec. 14, Mrs. Sandi Wyman, Mrs. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend, along with other purple hat ladies had their annual Christmas dinner and party at the Smoki Hauler Snow Club in Oakfield.

Katahdin Club meets
On Dec. 8, the Katahdin Club met at Paige Coville’s home for the annual Christmas party. Hostesses were Paige, Michele King and Mary Joy.
Before the potluck lunch was served, Verna MacArthur gave the table grace.
The meeting was opened by President Laura Bomba, with a moment of silence in memory of Clara Hathaway, a long-time member of the club.
The secretary and treasurer reports were read and approved. Guest, Becky Drew, librarian of Katahdin Public Library, spoke of the success of the new children’s reading room.
Laura Bomba and Verna MacArthur did the traditional Christmas music and carol singing by everyone. Gifts were exchanged and a nice social time was had by all.
Present were Lee Brewer, Paige Coville, Rachel Daniel, Mary Joy, Michele King, Doris Lynch, Verna MacArthur, Mary N. Moore, Leithea Porter, Edna Schmidt, Dorothy Williams, Nora Willigar and Laura Bomba. Guests were Becky Drew and Tabbie Lane.

Patten Woman’s Club
The Patten Woman’s Club met Dec. 14 at Terry Pettengill’s house.  Members held a Yankee Swap and brought in money or items for the Women’s Shelter in Houlton.  The next meeting is Jan. 18 at Jenine Bertone’s house.

Purple Hat Society
By Lois Downing
Purple Hat Society met in Oakfield on Dec. 14 at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile clubhouse for its December meeting and Christmas party.
Greeting everyone at the door was leader Charlotte Marley. A decorated Christmas tree was up and all who participated in the exchange of gifts left her gift under the tree.
A tasty luncheon prepared by Cindy Gray was part of the celebration. The blessing was led by Lois Downing. Red tablecloths with fancy placemats with a saying were our settings. Each had a special Christmas angel made and presented by Cindy Gray and was given for each to take home.
All the ladies wore special Santa hats and had their pictures taken. Irene Gillotti, Peggy Sanders, Brenda Lacostic and Charlotte Marley had Christmas stories to read.
We sang “Happy Birthday” to Betty Wyman whose birthday is in December.
Charlotte gave each a red basket to fill with cookies or items of our own choice and to give to someone who you would not ordinarily give to. A donation to the Animal Shelter was purchased and brought by the diners.
A sack full of 25 items was passed around — one would guess what each item was, since one could not tell what was in the sack. The person guessing the most items received a prize. The items were a candle, pencil, battery, cup, pen, a writing pad and other items.
An exchange of gifts took place with Charlotte Marley reading “The Night Before Christmas,” with each person moving left or right, with a gift when the word was heard. When finished, we kept the gift we were holding.
Santa Claus was in attendance and handed out special candy.
The next meeting will be in Linneus at Grammy’s Country Inn on Tuesday, Jan. 11.
Helping with the serving were Don Marley, Larry Sanders and Steven Roy from Iowa.
Attending were: from Cary, Joanne Scott and Jackie Colella; from Merrill, Arlene Friel; from Dyer Brook, Sandy Wyman, Wannetta Townsend and Marie Gillotti;
Also, from Oakfield, Joyce Roy, Dolores Locke, Bernice Campbell, Sandra Wyman, Evelyn Burpee, Elaine Barrett and Ursula Levesque;
Also, from Houlton, Betty Wyman, Paula Wyman, Brenda Lacostic. Mildred Gagnon and Lois Downing.
If you have questions for the group, you may call Charlotte Marley or any other members.

TOPS #ME 0233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233 of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on Dec. 17 for its weekly meeting.
Joyce Estey led the meeting. Melva Folsom was the official greeter.
Sixteen members were weighed; six were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).     Loser of the week was Janette Nelson with Brenda Lacostic runner-up. The skinny dish was held over.
Dale Holden spoke on the current contest and moved the members’ name on the chart up the mountain —for those who lost weight. We still have a few more weeks to obtain our goal, so we should still try.
Barbara Grant led us in several minutes of exercises.
Melva Folsom read a poem on the “Coming of Jesus,” Lois Downing read the “Joy of Little Things,” and Charlotte Marley’s offering was “Light a Candle.” Joyce added some of her mother-in-law’s notes to the group.
Santa Claus made a visit and distributed gifts to the ladies. Pictures were taken.
The next meeting will be Dec. 30.
If you need information about the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
The chapter meets every Friday for weigh-in at 8-8:45; meeting begins at 9 o’clock and usually ends an hour later.
Everyone is welcome.