There is still time to participate in the Maine-Quebec Caravan scheduled to take place Feb. 11-13. The group will meet for a buffet breakfast at Dean’s Motor Lodge the morning of departure and from there will hit the woods roads for Quebec City, with the route depending on the road conditions, crossing at the St. Pamphile border. Participants drive their own vehicles and handle their own accommodations. During the trek, there will be stops along the way until you arrive at your destination. Once in Quebec, there is usually a reception and tour of the Quebec Parliament (which I hear is fantastic!). After that, it’s your free time to explore the city and enjoy the splendor of the Quebec Winter Carnival.
The annual trek is organized by Portage Lake resident Sarah Brooks with the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce’s involvement being to “serve as a registration center and to help maintain the tradition of and to support the activity of the trek which has taken place since 1957,” said Chamber Executive Director and trek contact person Theresa Fowler. Registration forms are available through Brooks or at the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce. Deadline for registration is Jan. 28. Remember, you will need a passport or passport card to travel between Maine and Canada! For more information or registration, contact either Brooks at 551-6471 or Fowler at 764-6561.
Ashland gym floor fundraiser
The Ashland PTO would like to announce there are still gym floor pieces (from the old school) for sale! They have 45 pieces to sell to meet their goal and hope you will help them! There are only three large pieces remaining being sold for $35 each, and the rest are priced at $15 per piece. These are great pieces of memorabilia for Ashland alumni. Why not buy one for yourself or someone you know? They make a great gift, and best of all, you will be supporting the students from your alma mater! Please contact Corrine Routhier at 435-6854 for more information.
Portage Lake 2011 calendars
2011 Portage Lake calendars are now on sale! The calendar features scenes in and around Portage Lake. What a fantastic (and inexpensive) gift for those here or away. The calendars are $10 and are available at Coffin’s General Store, Dean’s Motor Lodge, the Portage Lake Town Office, Ashland One Stop and the Ashland Shur Fine Food Mart. All proceeds go directly to the Portage Lake Walking Trail Project.
Susan Feeney-Hopkins is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and the surrounding areas. She can be reached at 435-8232 or by e-mail at
THE ASHLAND CLASS OF 2014 took a moment for a photo op with the Harlem Superstars during a recent fundraiser held at the new Ashland District School. Thanks to all their hard work, the class was responsible for one of the biggest fundraisers in the school’s history! Pictured are, from left, front row: Rachel Gillis, Alexis Flewelling, Ally Beaulier, Rebecca Libby, Fallyn Tardie, Megan Hebert, Libbie Pelkey, Kim Baker, Jessica Johnson, Diana Watt, Macie Bellanceau, Gabby Cyr. Back row: Kali Pelletier, Isaac Cyr, Nicholas Belanger, Adam Sessoms, Danielle Condon, five members of the Harlem Superstars, and Tyler Chasse.
THE ASHLAND DISTRICT SCHOOL Class of 2014 recently held a fundraiser basketball game featuring the Harlem Superstars versus the “Ashland Dream Team.” Thanks to the efforts of the students and players, the game was a huge success, making it one of the biggest fundraisers the school has ever had! Members of the Ashland Dream Team, who are superstars in their own right, are from left, front row: Gabby Cyr, Danielle Long, Garrett Tilley, Taylor Baker and Lendell Tarr. Back row: Rachel Gillis, Tyler Cote, Jeremy Tarr, Lucas Belanger, Joel Hall, Ronald Fournier, Holly Chasse, Danny Cote, Nicholas Belanger and Coach Jim Gardner.